
I do my analysis on SPSS and I was doing a ordinal logistic regression to see if the group they belong in (binary, 2 groups ) predict scores on a likert scale 1-7. Whether one of the groups score fall into a higher category of the likert scale.

However, the odds ratio is very high (it’s like 18) and the confidence interval for the odds ratio is lower CI = 7 and upper CI is 42. Is this due to the fact that the sample sizes is unequal between the 2 groups. Is it still okay report?


1 Answer 1


As long as you haven't violated any other principles, yes, it is OK.

Wide CIs show up in a lot of published research, even in the most prestigious journals.

Having different sample sizes in the two groups is not, in itself, a violation of any rules. The wide CI could be because the sample size in the smaller group is low, but there are other possibilities too.


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