I am studying statistics and am working with R for the first time. I have some data that I am trying to represent it graphically. I have plotted a histogram and am trying to model it with gamma distribution. I have calculated the coefficients $\lambda$ and $n$ of this gamma distribution. I defined gamma_pdf as
gamma_pdf <- function(x, lambda, n) {
area*lambda^(n)*x^(n - 1) * exp(-lambda * x) / gamma(n)
I have then plotted this histogram and the pdf of this gamma distribution (scaled by the area of the histogram) and gotten the following image.
I did this using ggplot with the following code:
ggplot(data, aes(x = cas)) +
geom_histogram() +
stat_function(fun = gamma_pdf, args = list(lambda = lambda, n = n), color = "red",linewidth = 1)
Now I am trying to transform (only) the x-scale logarithmically (with base 10). Just applying function scale_x_log10() doesn't work, as it yields:
I believe I have to apply the transformation formula for the random variable $Y = \log_{10} X$. Since $$ f_X(x) = \frac{\lambda^a}{\Gamma(a)} x^{a-1} e^{- \lambda x}, $$ we get that $$ f_Y(y) = 10^y \ln(10) \frac{\lambda^a}{\Gamma(a)}10^{y(a-1)} e^{- \lambda 10^y}. $$
So I defined
log_gamma_pdf <- function(x, lambda, n) {
newarea*10^(x)*log(10) * lambda^(n) * 10^(x*(n-1)) * exp(-lambda*10^(x)) / gamma(n)
and plotted the following image,
using the following code
ggplot(data, aes(x = cas)) +
geom_histogram() +
stat_function(fun = log_gamma_pdf, args = list(lambda = lambda, n = n), color = "red",linewidth = 1)+
The shape appears to be better, but something still doesn't seem to go right. I have spent the entire day playing with this, but I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Does anyone have any advice?
Edit: I came to this problem by trying to solve last year's exam problems. It specifically asks to transform the x-scale logarithmically and comment if this distribution is consistent with Poisson model (exponential distribution).
I am almost certain that the graph should fit nicely, because a friend who was taking this exam last year told me that he got the 2nd graph in my question, and stated that it did not seem consistent, but was then told by the professor that had he transformed the plot correctly, he should get that it was consistent.
Also, how could the original plot seem fully consistent, but when I transform it logarithmically, it seems completely off?
doesn't change the underlying x values, i.e. y(x) = x would look like 10^x, and the histogram has increasing binwidths. If you make your code reproducible, as in define cas, area, ... I will gladly demonstrate what i mean exactly. $\endgroup$