Consider an experiment with two categorical predictors, A and B, where the levels of B are nested within those of A, and thus described by the following design information:
A | B |
1 | 1 |
1 | 1 |
1 | 2 |
1 | 2 |
2 | 3 |
2 | 3 |
2 | 4 |
2 | 4 |
A = random, B = random
If I treat both A and B to be random effect predictors, then I can specify the correct random effects model using lme4/lmer notation:
R ~ (1|A) + (1|B)
Which results in the following fixed and random effect design matrices:
A = fixed, B = random
If I now treat A as a fixed effect predictor, and B as a random effect predictor, then I can specify the correct mixed effects model using lme4/lmer notation:
R ~ A + (1|B)
Which results in the following fixed and random effect design matrices:
My questions are:
(1) How does lmer's REML fitting procedure "know" that predictor B is nested within A, for either model?
(2.1) When A and B are both random effects, their design columns both appear in the random effect design matrix. How does the REML procedure know to estimate the effects of A first, and then model the offsets of the nested B levels within those of A?
(2.2) In the random effects model, where A and B are both in the random effects design matrix, is the REML fitting procedure effectively performing a partitioning of variance, similar to that of an ANOVA?
(3) In the mixed effects model, where A is fixed and B is random, how does the REML procedure "look across" from the random effects design matrix to the fixed effects design matrix, to know that B's levels are nested relative to A's levels?
The reason why I think this question is interesting to ask specifically for random/mixed effects models, is because the way a random effects design matrix encodes nested predictors seems (to me) to be very different from the way a fixed effect design matrix encodes nested predictors.
In a fixed effect design matrix, only the "offset" levels of the nested predictor are included as columns in the design matrix.
Using the predictor information given above, but now with both A and B as fixed effects, the fixed effects design matrix (for the fixed effect model) would be:
Where only levels 2 and 4 of nested predictor B are even included as columns in the design matrix.
Thus, there is no possible confusion as to how a ML/OLS fitting procedure "knows" that predictor B is nested, since only a selected number levels are included as columns in the fixed effects design matrix.
This is not the case with the random effect design matrices described above, in which all 4 levels of nested predictor B are included as separate columns in the random effects design matrix. Despite this, the REML fitting procedure is still able to "know" that B's levels are nested, and furthermore nested relative to predictor A.
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