I am reading the paper Athey & Imbens (2016) paper "Recursive partitioning for heterogeneous causal effects" from PNAS. I am not able to fully understand which criteria is used to construct (train) the causal tree. I have read this post How does a causal tree optimize for heterogenous treatment effects? but I still don't understand what is the criteria.(Also the link shared in the comment section in that post https://scholar.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/bstewart/files/lundberg_methods_tutorial_reading_group_version.pdf is not working.)
My doubts are as follows:
i] First in the section "Modifying Conventional CART for Treatment Effects", for the adaptive method they have modified the Conventional CART MSE to estimate heterogeneous
treatment effects by below:
here I believe since Ste is used the estimate is unbiased. But I think this is for only estimating the performance on the test set (please correct me if I am wrong). I don't know how the tree is constructed using Str? Is it constructed like the traditional CART using the MSE between true(Yi) and predicted outcomes($\hat{Y}$i) from the splitting?
ii] Second, in the "Modifying the Honest Approach" section, they have used the expected mean square error defined as
which is rewritten using samples as
Is the above criteria the one used to make the splits in the tree? If so how is calculated? Is it the variance of the true(Yi) for the control group in the split?
If not, what is the optimizing criteria?
Please help me with this. Thank you anyways!!