I need to bound on a covariance quantity that has come up in a sampling problem. $\widehat{Y}$ and $\widehat{T}$ are Horvitz-Thompson estimators of population totals, $Y=\sum_{i=1}^N y_i$ and $T=\sum_{i=1}^N t_i$, and take the following forms: $$\widehat{Y} = \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{Z_i y_i}{p_i}$$ $$\widehat{T} = \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{Z_i t_i}{p_i}$$
where $Z_i \in \{0, 1\}$ is a binary random variable indicating whether unit $i$ is included in the sample or not, $p_i = P(Z_i = 1)$ is the known probability of unit $i$ inclusion in the sample. $Z_i$'s are not independent and their joint distribution is known. In other words, we know the quantities $p_{ij} = P(Z_i=1 \,\&\, Z_j=1)$. Finally, we can assume $y_i$'s and $t_i$'s are finite and positive.
Can one find a minimal $A$ that satisfies the expression below? $$ Var(\widehat{T})Var(\widehat{Y}) - 2E[\widehat{T}] Cov(\widehat{Y}, \widehat{Y}\widehat{T}) + A \ge 0 $$ The quantity above shows up in expectation of a variance estimator and satisfying the inequality above implies the estimate is conservative (in expectation). Ideally I need $A$ to be in terms of simple quantities for which I have unbiased or conservative estimates (e.g. I have an unbiased estimate for $E[\widehat{Y}^2]$ or $E[\widehat{T}]$ but I don't have a good estimate for $Cov(\widehat{Y}, \widehat{T})E[\widehat{Y}]$).
This problem is equivalent to finding an upper-bound on the following covariance quantity:
$$Cov(\widehat{Y}, \widehat{Y}\widehat{T})$$
I tried to use Young inequality $ab \le \frac{a^2}{2} + \frac{b^2}{2}$ and Cauchy-Swartz, but both ended up with a complicated expression involving 3rd or 4th moments. Appreciate any insights.