Given this categorical cross entropy loss function $-\text{sum}(y * \text{log}(\hat{y}))$, where $y$ is a one-hot word vector and $\hat{y}$ is a vector of class probabilities, this loss function will ignore the model predictions where $y=0$.
For example, let $y = [0, 1, 0]$, and $\hat{y} = [.7, .6, .2]$
$$ -\text{sum}(y * \text{log}(\hat{y})) = -1 * 1 * \text{log}(.6) = .2 $$
This ignores the $.7$ in $\hat{y}$ which is a large probability and is wrong right? Is this a drawback of using categorical cross entropy loss?
Would it be better to modify categorical cross-entropy loss to have two terms:
$$ -1 * \text{sum} ( y * \text{log}(\hat{y})) + -1 * \alpha * \text{sum} (\text{Inv}(y) * \text{log}(\hat{y})) $$
Here $\text{Inv}(y)$ would be $1$ when $y$ is $0$ and $0$ when $y$ is $1$.
$\alpha$ would be a constant to weight the loss term to allow for incorrect predictions.
Would this not penalize incorrect predictions from all classes? In the original categorical cross entropy loss are we not wasting that information?