I am working on logistic regression to identify the most cucial genes that can predict the response of stimuli.
I have a workflow that looks fine to me but I want inputs from the people who have more experience on similar problems.
I have a data set that looks like below:
Sample 1 pos 11.39 10.62 9.75 10.34
Sample 2 pos 10.16 8.63 8.68 9.08
Sample 3 pos 9.29 10.24 9.89 10.11
Sample 4 neg 11.53 9.22 9.35 9.13
Sample 5 neg 8.35 10.62 10.25 10.01
Sample 6 pos 11.71 10.43 8.87 9.44
This a table of dimension 130 * 82.
What I have done is calculated each genes individually. Below is the code for that and selected the ones with that gave p-value <= 0.05.
glm=glm(Resp ~ CDK6, data = dataframe, family = binomial(link = 'logit'))
Once I have x number of genes (say 35 genes) that have p-value <=0.05, I use the model/code below to extract the most significant signatures of response.
glm2 <- glm(Resp ~ Gene1 + Gene2 + Gene3 + Gene4 + Gene5 , data = dataframe, family = binomial(link = 'logit'))
The above model gives me a 9 genes that are significant with p-value <=0.01.
Then I perform cross validation, like below
cv.glm(dataframe, glm2, K=nrow(dataframe))$delta
This was followed by confusion matrix and sensitivity & specificity scores
> sensitivity(conf_matrix)
[1] 0.9153846
> specificity(conf_matrix)
[1] 0.9666667
My Question is, I started with 82 genes/variables and I got it down to 9 genes with the above approach. Is this approach ok? or am I doing something wrong or this can be further tuned up?
Your suggestions are very welcome.
Thank you for your time.