For a paper on social norms, I want to predict an individual attitude by an interaction of another individual attitude with attitudes that people within the same region (e.g., cluster) hold.
In the dataset with which I would like to test this prediction, I have the three attitudes that I mentioned (Dependent Variable DV, Predictor 1 Pred1 and Predictor 2 Pred2) all on the level of the individual, but I also have a variable that indicates what region participants live in (Region).
Therefore, I believe I am looking for a cross-level interaction of two predictors on an individual-level outcome. Now, my DV does not appear to vary meaningfully between regions with an ICC < .05. However, I still believe that it is appropriate to conduct a multilevel model because I am not per se interested in variation of my DV by cluster, but in the interaction of Predictor 1 with the variation of Predictor 2 between clusters. Am I right that in this case a multilevel model is the way to go?
If yes, this is my best attempt at specifying my model using the lme4 package:
fit <- lmer(DV ~ 1 + Pred1*Pred2 + (1 + Pred2|Region),data=df)
However, I don't think this is correct because my fixed effects are very similar to the output I get if I specify a normal linear model with the same predictors. My interpretation is that this way, I am adding a random intercept for Regions and a random slopes for Pred2 for Region, but I am still also adding the fixed interaction effect on the individual level for Predictor 2. I do not care about Predictor 2 at the individual level - I only want to know how the variation of Predictor 2 between Regions interacts with Predictor 1 on my dependent variable.
Is anyone able to help me specify the model such that my aim is achieved? Would I need to add a variable in my dataset that contains the mean of Pred2 as an aggregate of the region for each individual?
Thank you very much in advance!