I need to draw a funnel plot for my meta-analysis, which is observational and aggregates prevalence rates of a certain medical condition. As far as I know, a funnel plot is a scatter plot of effect size measures against sample sizes. Therefore I have some difficulties in my study which I think does not have an effect size measure:
I don't know if there is any effect size measures for prevalence of a single study? Each study reports a single prevalence, so I have a bunch of ratios (0-100%) only. Each study has only one single ratio, so there can be no "prevalence ratios" or "prevalence odds ratios".
Can I plot the ratios (the prevalences) against sample sizes, instead of non-existent effect sizes against sample sizes?
Can I calculate 95% CI for each ratio (each prevalence), and use it as the effect size? If so, does it help when the Y axis is already "Sample Size" and CI is directly affected by sample size?
Do you have any other hints, in addition to the nice ones given here?
Many thanks.