This might be a rather simple question on Bayesian statistics.
Consider the case of inference on properties of a normal distribution $N(µ,σ²)$.
If we assume the standard non-informative prior on σ² $1/σ²$, the resulting posterior distribution $$ p(µ,σ²|y) ∝ (\frac{1}{σ²}) ^{\frac{N+1}{2}} exp(-\frac{Ns^{2}_{y}}{2σ²})\frac{1}{σ²}exp(-\frac{(y-\bar{y})²}{2σ²/N}) $$
is said to have a closed form because it factors in the product of an inverted Gamma distribution for σ² and a conditional normal distribution for µ. This means that we can directly draw from the posterior distribution of σ² via drawing from the inverted gamma distribution, and then draw from the posterior distribution of µ via drawing from the normal distribution.
This can be done with the following R code (plus relying on some summary statistics):
S <- sum((data - mean(data))^2)
n <- length(data)
Sigma2 <- S/rchisq(5000,n-1)
mu <- rnorm(5000,mean=mean(data),sd=sqrt(sigma2)/sqrt(n))
There is not even a need for normalizing.
So far so good.
Now consider the case of a different form of the likelihood function:
$$ p(y|µ,σ²) = (\frac{1}{2πσ²})^{N/2} exp(-\frac{Ns^{2}_{y}}{2σ²}) exp(-\frac{(y-\bar{y}+0.5)²}{2σ²/N}) - (\frac{1}{2πσ²})^{N/2} exp(-\frac{Ns^{2}_{y}}{2σ²}) exp(-\frac{(y-\bar{y}-0.5)²}{2σ²/N}) $$
that is, the probability that a true value falls within the rounding interval that results in the observation.
The posterior density in now proportional to the difference of two productis of inverted Gamma and conditional normal distributions. Can I still use the same approach for drawing from the posterior distribution, or is that impossible because the resulting posterior distribution is not a product of well-known distributions anymore?