I'm working on a Bayesian analysis of a coin-toss scenario and have a conceptual question to clarify my understanding.
Given a uniform prior on the probability that a coin lands tails over $[1-b,1-a]$ (and therefore, the probability of landing heads is uniformly distributed over $[a, b]$), with some sample evidence $D$, I aimed to determine the posterior distribution for the probability $\theta$ of landing on heads. I approached this using Bayes' theorem combined with a binomial likelihood. Specifically the posterior can be calculated as: $$ f_H(\theta \mid D) = \frac{\theta^s(1-\theta)^f \cdot \mathbb{1}_{a \leq \theta \leq b}}{\beta_b(s+1, f+1)-\beta_a(s+1, f+1)} $$ Where:
$s$ is the number of observed heads.
$f$ is the number of observed tails.
$\beta_b(s+1, f+1)$ and $\beta_a(s+1, f+1)$ are evaluations of the incomplete beta function at points $b$ and $a$, respectively.
New Scenario:
Now, I'm considering a twist: the coin can also land on its side. The probability of this side landing is fixed at 10%. Given a uniform prior on the probability of tails over $[1-b,1-a]$, the prior on the probability of heads is now over $[a-0.1, b-0.1]$. I aim to find the posterior on the probability of heads given new sample evidence.
Main Question:
Given the fixed 10% probability for the side landing, can I essentially employ a similar approach as my original scenario, only adjusting the boundaries of the prior distributions, incomplete beta function, the indicator function and the ($1-\theta$) to $(0.9-\theta)$? Specifically, can I use: $$ f_H(\theta \mid D) = \frac{\theta^s(0.90-\theta)^f \cdot \mathbb{1}_{a-0.1 \leq \theta \leq b-0.1}}{\beta_{b-0.1}(s+1, f+1)-\beta_{a-0.1}(s+1, f+1)} $$ In effect, I ignore the sample evidence associated with the side-flip is its distribution is known with certiainty. This means i treat the process effectively as a binomial with reduced bounds on the probability. Id greatly appreciate any insights or corrections to my approach.