I have data that is looking at comparing a cheap (T) to expensive (V) ultrasound device with the hopes that the cheap is the same as expensive. There was 4 different examiners that used 4 different views to determine the presence of osteophytes. I have used a generalised mixed-effects logistic regression followed by an ANOVA and non-inferiority test.
glmer(OSTEOPHYTES ~ DEVICE + Examiner + VIEW + (1 | ID), data = TVOPL, family = binomial,
nAGQ = 10)
The ANOVA is significant for DEVICE (Pr(>|z|) = 0.00514), meaning there is a difference in the two devices (Reject Null hypothesis). However, when I do a non-inferiority (LRT) test:
subset_data <- subset(TVOPL, DEVICE %in% c("V", "T"))
vinno_model <- glmer(OSTEOPHYTES ~ Examiner + VIEW + (1 | ID), data = subset_data, family = binomial(link = "logit"), control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))
tablet_model <- glmer(OSTEOPHYTES ~ DEVICE + Examiner + VIEW + (1 | ID), data = subset_data, family = binomial(link = "logit"), control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))
lrt_result <- anova(vinno_model, tablet_model, test = "LRT")
It is significant Pr(>Chisq) = 0.00495 determining that the cheap device is noninferior to the expensive device by the specified margin. When I subset the data into each view, it also can come up with the opposite. The ANOVA is not significant, but also not non-inferior. How do I interpret this in terms of results due to conflicting outcomes? Also is it possible to use non-inferiority with the data set including all views, then, ANOVA for each View (A,B,C,D) as I want to know which view is the best.