Let $(X_n)_n$ be a sequence of discrete random variables and assume that \begin{equation} \Pr\big(X_n=x \, | \, X_{1},\dots, X_{n-1}\big) \geq a \quad \text{ for all } n=1,2,\dots \end{equation} where $a\in [0,1]$.
Consider a sequence of random variables $(Y_n)_n$ such that $$ Y_n=f(X_n, Z_n) $$ where $(Z_n)_n$ is a sequence of random variables, uniform in $[0,1]$ and independent of $(X_n)_n$ and $$ f(X_n, Z_n)=\begin{cases} 1 & \text{if $X_n=x$ and $Z_n\leq 0.3$}\\ 0 & \text{otherwise } \end{cases} $$
Is it true that \begin{equation} \Pr\big(X_n=x \, | \, Y_{1},\dots, Y_{n-1}\big) \geq a \quad \text{ for all } n=1,2,\dots \quad ? \end{equation}