Lesa Hoffman (2015) in her Longitudinal Analysis book has a very useful way to think about regression models that can help you understand the difference in the two approaches. On the one hand, you have the structural or fixed effects part of the model, which she calls the model for the means. This "states how the expected (or predicted) outcome for each person varies as a function of their predictor values" (page 9). Relatedly, Andrew Gelman urges researchers to interpret structural regression coefficients in terms of differences in means (i.e., the predicted mean outcome difference for individuals who differ on x by 1 unit, adjusting for other variables).
On the other hand, you have the stochastic or error part of the model, which Hoffman calls the model for the variance. This part of the model "describes how the residuals of the Y outcome (i.e., the differences between the Y values observed in the data and the Y values predicted by the model for the means) are distributed and related across observations" (page 9 in Hoffman, 2015). In the model for the variance you are predicting the pattern of variance and covariance in the residuals of the Y outcomes. This matters in part because the standard errors of the tests for the fixed effect coefficients rely on you getting the model for the variances right.
Approach 1 is using the model for the means to deal with the "problem" of the prior value of y
. In this approach, your predictor of interest x(t-1)
is interpreted as the mean difference in y
between individuals who differ by 1-unit on the prior observation of x
, adjusting for the prior outcome value y(t-1)
and the present value of x
. You might use this if you believe that y(t-1)
is a common cause (or confounder) of the effect of x(t-1)
on y
Approach 2 is more consistent with multilevel or mixed effects modeling, which allows for a more complex model for the variance. These models decompose variance in the outcome into different sources. In your model, outcome variance in y
is due to three sources$^1$:
- Persistent person variance (the random intercept: $\tau^2_{U_0}$)
- Residual within-person variance ($\sigma^2_e$)
- Residual covariance, or autocorrelation (r$_T$)
The coefficient of x(t-1)
is interpreted as the mean difference in y
between individuals who differ by 1-unit on the prior observation of x
, adjusting for the present value of x
and accounting for the pattern of variances and covariances in the residuals. Here you assume that the covariance pattern is autoregressive, but you could consider and evaluate model fit for other types of covariance structures, including compound symmmetry, Topelitz, and heterogenous versions of autoregressive and Topelitz.
Is one of these better than the other? It depends on what you are trying to accomplish. You are not modeling the effect of time on the outcome explicitly in either of these models other than to say that there is some kind of association between prior and present value of y
. That suggests that you are more interested in fluctuation in y
rather than systematic differences in y
that are due to some kind of developmental process. An example of the latter would be a growth curve model where you allow for linear or non-linear effects of time in the model for the mean and the model for the variance (i.e., fixed and random slopes for time). Approach 2 is more consistent with an interest in modeling fluctuation of the outcome, however Approach 1 might be important if you have some sort of causal theory about how y
This is a complicated topic, and there has been a lot of interesting work on modeling residual variance in the structural equation (SEM) literature recently.
$^1$Note that Approach 1 decomposes outcome variance only into 1 and 2 of the list.