I am studying what the consequences of heteroskedasticity are. And i found that assuming that the model is linear in the parameters (i.e $Y=X\beta+\epsilon$), is identifiable, has no perfect collinearity (i.e $X$ is full column rank), is exogenous (i.e. $E[\epsilon|X]=0$) and has no serial correlations (i.e. $Var[\epsilon|X]=\Sigma$, where $\Sigma$ is diagonal) we have :
$E[\hat{\beta}] = \beta$, because $\hat{\beta} = \beta + (X^TX)^{-1}X^T\epsilon$ and $E[\epsilon|X]=0$
OLS is no longer BLUE because the homoskedasticity assumption is absent (and hence Gauss-Markov theorem cannot be applied).
Estimated variances of regression coefficients will be biased (because $E\bigg[\hat{Var}[\hat{\beta}_i|X]\bigg|X\bigg] = (X^TX)^{-1}_{ii}E\bigg[MS_{res}\bigg|X\bigg]\neq (X^TX)^{-1}_{ii}\Sigma_{ii}=Var[\hat{\beta}_i|X]$, where $MS_{res} = \dfrac{e^Te}{n-p}$, where $e = Y-\hat{Y}=$ the residuals)
The corresponding t-statistics of the estimated regression coefficients will appear to be more significant than they really are (page 4). This implies that $MS_{res}<\Sigma_{ii}$. I do not understand why this should be the case.
Since $R^2=1-\dfrac{\epsilon^T(I-H)\epsilon}{Y^T(I-J_n)Y}$ is based on overall sums of squares, it is unaffected by heteroskedasticity (page 5). Again I do not understand why this should be the case. Specifically, in what sense is $R^2$ unaffected? Like if I somehow made a different linear model to deal with the heteroskedasticity, then would this new linear model have the same $R^2$? If so how?
Could you please verify points 1,2 and 3, and give non-heuristic explanations for points 4 and 5?
I dont understand why $R^2$ would converge at all under heteroskedasticity. I mean, under homoskedasticity, assuming $e_i\stackrel{iid}{\sim}(\text{mean}=0,\text{variance}= \sigma^2)$ and $n>>p$, we have $\dfrac{e^Te}{n-p}\approx\dfrac{e^Te}{n}=\dfrac{e_1^2+\cdots+e_n^2}{n}\rightarrow E[\epsilon_i^2]=\sigma^2$, by weak law of large numbers. But under heteroskedasticity, assuming $e_i\stackrel{independent}{\sim}(\text{mean}=0,\text{variance}= \sigma^2_i)$ and $n>>p$, why should $\dfrac{e_1^2+\cdots+e_n^2}{n}$ be expected to converge at all?
And in terms of this answer to your cited question, why should $\dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^N{m_{ii}\sigma^2_i}}{N - K}$ be expected to converge at all?
also, under heterskedasticity, the $y_i$'s are not iid. So, why should $\sum(y_i-\bar{y})^2$ converge at all?