I have tried reading the documentation in sjPlot but couldn't figure it out. In a multilevel / hierarchical / mixed-effect model, ran with lme4 in R, the summary() output give an estimated variance and standard deviation for each random effect. I wanted to plot this variance by level of one of my random intercepts (stimuli), to see differences across stimuli: for the model:
m.EDA = lmer(EDA_cs ~ Cond * Time_sd + (1|Participant) + (1|Stim),
data= phys)
I used the following code from sjPlot to visualize the variance of each level of my random intercept Stim:
plot_model(m.EDA, type = "re")
The question... how come the x-axis (which I thought represents the variance) has negative values?
Variance can't be negative, which makes me think that the x-axis in this plot is plotting something else other than the random effects (which is what the documentation suggests: https://strengejacke.github.io/sjPlot/reference/plot_model.html)