From Wikipedia, Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) is a method to estimate the parameters of a generalized linear model (with an exponential family distribution for the response).
By reading other references online, I am confused whether GEE is an estimation method, or a statistical model like the generalized linear model, but I am inclined to think of GEE as an estimation method, as an alternative to MLE. Am I right?
But it only relies on the mean model (as a function of the parameter), and the variance function (as a function of the mean). If I am correct, it is a maximum quasi-likelihood method (although I also want to ask what a maximum quasi-likelihood method is?).
So GEE doesn't use the entire likelihood offered by the generalized linear model, but only part of it. Is it correct that GEE should be able to apply to bigger models than the generalized linear model?
Thanks and regards!