Firstly i'm completely new to data science (first project) and to StackExchange, so sorry if i'm asking a stupid question or not providing adequate information in my question. Please tell if i could do anything to make it easier for you guys to answer.
I'm doing a statistical analysis trying to explore the association between the risk of developing the lung disease COPD in different age groups of alcohol debut (ordered categorical: <14, 15-16, 17-18, 19-20, 21-25, >25) and create both a simpel logistic regression model as well as a multiple logistic model including different variables. One of these variables is age of smoking debut (numeric). My problem is that only some of the participants in the study are either smokers or ex-smokers, while the other part of participants are never-smokers. In these never-smokers the age of smoking debut is obviously not relevant and is displayed as NA. This results in 35% of my dataset containing missing data and is automatically removed in the regression models. For the missing data among the other variables i'm using the mice package in R to impute.
Example df:
| Smoking_status | Age_of_smoking_debut | Age_of_alcohol_debut |
| ---------------| -------------------- | -------------------- |
| Never smoker | NA | 15-16 yrs |
| Ex-smoker | 16 | Never |
| Current smoker | 20 | >25 yrs |
| Never smoker | NA | <14 yrs |
I've tried doing the logistic regression with the df as is, but results in all never-smokers being excluded.
Any way to deal with this in a clever manner? Would the results be valid if i replaced NA with 0 in the case of smoking status being "never smoker" and then treated the rest of NAs in Age_of_smoking_debut like the NAs among the other variables? Also how would i go by this the easiest?