I have a feeling this is a silly question. I am working on a research paper, at some point in it we perform a likelihood ratio test. The first guess would be to apply Wilks's theorem. However, if we take the hypotheses:
$$ H_0: X_i\sim Binom(n1,p1), Y_i\sim Binom(n2,p2) $$ $$ H_1: X_i\sim Binom(n1,p), Y_i\sim Binom(n2,p) $$
Essentially, we are testing wether two binomial distributions, have the same parameter $p$. Now, please do not refer me to the standard way of testing this. This is a very simplified version of the problem and in the full problem the normal approximation is inaccurate. I have found a method for the test. So while I will appreciate suggestion for actually performing the test, this is not what I am looking for here. What I am asking: Why $-2LLR$ under the null does not follow a $\chi^2_{1}$ distribution. Here is a QQplot.
I tried to find out what part of Wilks's theorem assumptions is violated here. The parameters lie in the interior of the parameter space here $(0,1)$. At this point I think that the answer must be either so obvious and I am looking too close to see the big picture, or must be some argument I don't have experience with ,either way I would like to be able to say why this is. Potentially my code is faulty. I appreciate any help/ resource I could get. Searching for papers answering this question has proven ineffective. Please be kind if this is obvious.
R code:
LLR= function(n1,s1,n2,s2) return(
y <- -2*LLR(n1,s1,n2,s2)
## Q-Q plot for Chi^2 data against true theoretical distribution:
qqplot(qchisq(ppoints(length(y)), df = df), y, main = expression("Q-Q plot for" ~~ {chi^2}[nu == 1]))
# Add qq line
ggplot2::last_plot() + qqline(y, distribution = function(p) qchisq(p, df = df), prob = c(0.1, 0.6), col = 2)
so it's not a problem in your implementation, but it might be confusing for readers to see the usual notation changed. $\endgroup$