DAGs are used for much more than visualization
Expressing the (causal) relationships between variables as DAGs allows employing graphical criteria for finding answers to statistical or causal questions.
Example: checking the validity of an adjustment set
Certainly one of the most prominent use-cases is that of finding valid adjustment sets. The DAG formulation allows one to check the suitability of an adjustment set when estimating the effect of $X_s \to X_t$ (source $s$ to target $t$) given variables $X = (X_1,\dots,X_d)$ and a candidate adjustment set $X_A \subset X$.
Let $B_\mathcal{G}$ be the binary adjacency matrix of a graph $\mathcal{G}$ encoding the existence of causal edges between the elements of $X$.
$\left(B_\mathcal{G}\right)_{i,j} = 1$ if an edge from $X_i$ to $X_j$ exists in $\mathcal{G}$ and $0$ otherwise.
We can now use this representation to make sure that
1. No controlling for colliders. No $X_j \in X_A$ should be a descendant of $X_s$.
Using a graphical criterion, we can check if $\left(\sum_{i=1}^d B_\mathcal{G}^i\right)_{s,j}=0$ for all $X_j\in X_A$.
2. No open backdoor paths. After removing all edges connected to any $X_j\in X_A$ as well as outgoing edges from $X_s$, there should be no more nodes from which there is a directed path to $X_s$ and to $X_t$.
Let $\bar{B}_\mathcal{G}$ be a version of $B_\mathcal{G}$ with all incoming and outgoing edges to nodes $X_j \in X_A$, and all outgoing edges from $X_s$ removed.
Let further $\boldsymbol{\bar{B}} =\left(\sum_{i=1}^{d}\bar{B}_\mathcal{G}^i\right)$. We can now check if $\boldsymbol{\bar{B}}_{j,s}\boldsymbol{\bar{B}}_{j,t}=0$ for all $j \in 1,\dots d$.
(There may be valid adjustment sets that don't pass this test, but any adjustment passing it is valid.)
DAGs are absolutely used for computations and are by no means only a tool for visualization.