I am getting into and trying to learn how to use principal component analyses (PCA), and got stuck on a few things that I thought someone here might be able to help me with.
What I am trying to do: I have a data set of a number of animal individuals. For each individual I have six different measurements (eg. weight, height, length etc.). What I want to do is to combine these six measurements into one size variable to represent all measurements, and I am doing so by carrying out a PCA.
As I've understood it, the first principal component (PC1) is always the best one / the one that explains most of the variance.
So my questions are then:
When I carry out a PCA on my data set, PC1 only stands for about 40% and PC2 for 30% of the variance. Does that mean I can't use only PC1 as a variable for my size measure? Is it possible to combine both PC1 and PC2 into one variable? If yes, how? Simply by adding them up or does that not work statistically? Also:
How much of the variance does PC1 have to explain for it to be used as a good representation, as a size variable in my case? Is 60% enough or does one want it to be over 80%?