In previous threads , parametric bootstrapping was suggested as a method to test for differences between time series at specific time points. I have followed the methods as described in this answer (see below for more specifics), however I am not sure which test to run after obtaining the parametric bootstrap samples drawn from the fitted models. I tried a two-sample t-test, however the results seems questionable (see below).
To test whether there are significant differences at specific times between two time series of hourly air quality data, I have fitted two Gaussian Process models to the two time series(using the GauPro() function from the GauPro-package in R). Subsequently, I have used the sample() function from the same package to draw 30 000 datapoints from the probability distributions of both fitted models at a time point of interest. This is what the histogram of the drawn datapoints look like (text continued below):
To test if there is a difference in the means of the distributions, I tried running a t-test on the bootstrapped data points, however the highly significant p-value seems a bit unreasonable, given the histogram above. Have I used an appropriate test for this comparison?
Test output:
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: GP1_nox_boot[, 2] and GP2_nox_boot[, 2]
t = -44.422, df = 59916, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-1.340702 -1.227391
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
70.24509 71.52913
Edit: Answers that I have encountered mostly deal with the nonparametric version of this bootstrap test (i.e., comparing two observed dataset by resampling, instead of comparing two simulated datasets)