I was looking replicate the results of the paper DOI:10.3905/jpm.2014.40.3.087 (Exploring Macroeconomic Sensitivities: How Investments Respond to Different Economic Environments, Ilmanen Maloney Ross 2014 Journal of Portfolio Management).
For example, I was looking to investigate if the monthly total return of US Treasury bond index (LUATTRUU Index - Bloomberg Barclays US treasury total return index) depends on the magnitude of the US inflation readings (CPI YOY Index - US CPI Urban Consumers YoY NSA »). So i downloaded the US CPI YOY monthly data for the last 50 years and the monthly total returns of US Treasury index for the same period. Then, I've partitioned the sample in "UP" if the monthly US inflation readings is above its last 12 monthly average, and "DOWN" if the opposite happened. Then, i computed the average monthly total return of US Treasury bond index in each subsample. I got the following results.
- US CPI "UP" -> monthly avarage US Treasury bond index total return 0.40%
- US CPI "DOWN" -> monthly avarage US Treasury bond index total return 0.65%
So, the data seems to confirm that when inflation is high, bond return are low compared to the opposite situation, as the economic theory would suggest.
I would like to test statistically if the difference in the two return is statistically significant. However, since i'm using financial time series, I'm not sure which statistical test should I use.
Here my R code, that takes as input the time series of US CPI YOY and US TREASURY TOTAL RETURN INDEX:
CPI_YOY_roll<- rollmean(CPI_YOY,k=12, fill=NA, align="right")
For example, here Ilmanen Maloney Ross (2014, ExploringMacroeconomic Sensitivities: How Investments Respond to Different Economic Environments, Journal of Portfolio Management) use my same procedure and get the following results (using average Sharpe ratio instead of average return, but the concept is the same):
So i want to test if these differences are statistically significant or not!