For a given household for which I have many years of historical data, I want to predict the home gas consumption (heating) with a few variables among:
date gas min_temp max_temp mean_temp relative_humidity absolute_humidity other_column
2023-01-01 5.8 m^3 -3.0°C 2.3°C -1.2°C 79 % 4 g/m^3 ...
2023-01-02 4.8 m^3 2.0°C 4.2°C 2.3°C 82 % 4.5 g/m^3 ...
I could do a multiple linear regression for
$$\rm{gas\ consumption} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \rm{min\ temp} + \beta_2 \rm{max\ temp} + \beta_3 \rm{mean\ temp} + ... + \varepsilon,$$
but since many of these variables are not independent of each other (and maybe nearly colinear), doing a standard multiple linear regression might give bad results (for example with some negative $\beta_i$ where it shouldn't). Which better solution can we use?
PCA + multiple linear regression (PCR) or PLS or something else?
Note: I'd like to avoid using all 3 (min, max, mean) temp, if possible. How can we evaluate the loss if using using only 1 temperture variable (the best fit among the 3) instead of the 3 variables?