In addition to my general answer on the distinction between random effects and correlated residuals, a practical example follows using the classical reaction-time data and the R package {nlme}. For a study that addresses random coefficients and correlated residuals simultaneously, see a Master's thesis Qilong Yi (2000) Random effects and AR(1) models in longitudinal data analysis For sample codes of fitting both random coefficients and AR(1) in {glmmTMB}: ar1 covariance with nested random effects need glmmTMB((1|id)+ ar1(0 + factor(time)|id), disp = ~ 1).
As a primer, maximum likelihood (ML) and restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimators make different estimates of error variances. As the following example shows in generalized least squares (GLS), ML underestimates the error variance, whereas REML estimate is identical to OLS, which produces unbiased estimates of error variances. Note that glm()
uses OLS instead of ML. When comparing models, we must compare those estimated by ML against others estimated by ML and those estimated by REML against others estimated by REML with the same fixed-effect component (same formula other than the random effects, residual correlation, or variance function). This is because goodness-of-fit statistics including log likelihoods (thus AIC and BIC) are calculated in different ways under ML and REML. By default, gls()
and lme()
in {nlme} use REML, whereas {glmmTMB} uses ML.
Because of added complexity, fitting linear models with mixed effects can occasionally run into numerical problems. When using {nlme}, it is important to use its function intervals()
to assess whether estimates and confidence intervals are at parameter boundaries. When using {glmmTMB}, use glmmTMB()$sdr$pdHess
and diagnose(glmmTMB())
to assess fitting problems.
data("sleepstudy", package = "lme4")
summary(Model1 <- lm(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy))
" Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 251.405 6.610 38.033 < 2e-16 ***
Days 10.467 1.238 8.454 9.89e-15 ***
Residual standard error: 47.71 on 178 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.2865, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2825
F-statistic: 71.46 on 1 and 178 DF, p-value: 9.894e-15"
"'log Lik.' -950.1465 (df=3)"
"(Intercept) Days
251.40510 10.46729"
# glm()
summary(Model2 <- glm(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy))
" Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 251.405 6.610 38.033 < 2e-16 ***
Days 10.467 1.238 8.454 9.89e-15 ***
(Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 2276.694)
Null deviance: 567954 on 179 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 405252 on 178 degrees of freedom
AIC: 1906.3"
logLik(Model2) == logLik(Model1) # TRUE
sigma(Model2) == sigma(Model1) # TRUE
AIC(Model2) == AIC(Model1) # TRUE
coef(Model2) == coef(Model1) # TRUE TRUE
"glm() gives OLS estimates of error variance when family = gaussian"
# gls() REML
summary(Model3 <- gls(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy))
"Generalized least squares fit by REML
AIC BIC logLik
1899.664 1909.209 -946.8318
Value Std.Error t-value p-value
(Intercept) 251.40510 6.610154 38.03317 0
Days 10.46729 1.238195 8.45366 0
AIC differs because fitted by REML, default method"
" lower est. upper
(Intercept) 238.360753 251.40510 264.44946
Days 8.023855 10.46729 12.91072
Residual standard error:
lower est. upper
43.23105 47.71472 53.24421"
logLik(Model3) == logLik(Model1) # FALSE
logLik(Model3) - logLik(Model1) # 3.314696 REML vs. OLS, not really comparable
sigma(Model3) == sigma(Model1) # FALSE
sigma(Model3) - sigma(Model1) # -7.105427e-15 within floating-point precision
AIC(Model3) == AIC(Model1) # FALSE
AIC(Model3) - AIC(Model1) # -6.629393 REML vs. OLS
coef(Model3) == coef(Model1) # FALSE TRUE
coef(Model3) - coef(Model1) # 2.842171e-14 0.000000e+00
# gls() ML
summary(Model4 <- gls(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy, method = "ML"))
" AIC BIC logLik
1906.293 1915.872 -950.1465
Value Std.Error t-value p-value
(Intercept) 251.40510 6.610154 38.03317 0
Days 10.46729 1.238195 8.45366 0"
" lower est. upper
(Intercept) 238.360753 251.40510 264.44946
Days 8.023855 10.46729 12.91072
Residual standard error:
lower est. upper
43.01267 47.44890 52.91347
REML/ML affects error variance: ML reports smaller sigma and 95% CI than OLS
Because OLS gives unbiased variance sum/(n - 1) whereas ML sum/n"
logLik(Model4) == logLik(Model1) # FALSE
logLik(Model4) - logLik(Model1) # -1.136868e-13 floating-point precision
sigma(Model4) == sigma(Model1) # FALSE
sigma(Model4) - sigma(Model1) # -0.2658222 due to ML vs. OLS error variance
AIC(Model4) == AIC(Model1) # FALSE
AIC(Model4) - AIC(Model1) # 2.273737e-13 floating-point precision
coef(Model4) == coef(Model1) # FALSE TRUE
coef(Model4) - coef(Model1) # 2.842171e-14 0.000000e+00
"gls(method = 'ML') gives true ML estimate in contrast to glm()
gls(method = 'ML') gls(method = 'REML') give identical coef and SE
but differ in sigma: sigma(ML) > sigma(REML) = sigma(glm) = sigm(lm)
and likelihood value: logLik(REML) != logLik(ML) = logLik(glm) = logLik(lm)"
A Gaussian linear model Model5
with compound-symmetry correlation structure is equivalent to Model6
with random intercepts. The two models have identical restricted loglikelihood and coefficient estimates. Their standard errors and confidence intervals differ by only a tiny bit. In contrast, the residual standard error estimates are widely apart because mixed-effects models separate random effects from residuals. They both fit better than Model3
by lower AIC
and BIC
and higher logLik
, showing that incorporating repeated measurements within subjects is beneficial.
# gls() corCompSymm
summary(Model5 <- gls(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy,
correlation = corCompSymm(form = ~ 1 | Subject)))
" AIC BIC logLik
1794.465 1807.192 -893.2325
Correlation Structure: Compound symmetry
Formula: ~1 | Subject
Parameter estimate(s):
Value Std.Error t-value p-value
(Intercept) 251.40510 9.746736 25.79378 0
Days 10.46729 0.804221 13.01543 0
Residual standard error: 48.3595
Here restricted AIC < Model3 1899.664, residual SE larger"
" lower est. upper
(Intercept) 232.171083 251.40510 270.63913
Days 8.880251 10.46729 12.05432
Correlation structure:
lower est. upper
Rho 0.3960776 0.5893103 0.7510617
Residual standard error:
lower est. upper
38.96263 48.35950 60.02268"
# lme() random intercept
summary(Model6 <- lme(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy,
random = ~ 1 | Subject))
" AIC BIC logLik
1794.465 1807.192 -893.2325
Random effects:
Formula: ~1 | Subject
(Intercept) Residual
StdDev: 37.12383 30.99123
Fixed effects: Reaction ~ Days
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) 251.40510 9.746716 161 25.79383 0
Days 10.46729 0.804221 161 13.01543 0"
" lower est. upper
(Intercept) 232.157211 251.40510 270.65300
Days 8.879103 10.46729 12.05547
Random Effects:
Level: Subject
lower est. upper
sd((Intercept)) 25.90982 37.12383 53.19137
Within-group standard error:
lower est. upper
27.78454 30.99123 34.56802"
logLik(Model6) == logLik(Model5) # FALSE
logLik(Model6) - logLik(Model5) # 1.032276e-10 floating-point precision
sigma(Model6) == sigma(Model5) # FALSE
sigma(Model6) - sigma(Model5) # -17.36827 difference components of sigma
AIC(Model6) == AIC(Model5) # FALSE
AIC(Model6) - AIC(Model5) # -2.064553e-10 floating-point precision
summary(Model6)$tTable[ , 1] == coef(Model5)
summary(Model6)$tTable[ , 1] - coef(Model5) # 1.136868e-13 5.329071e-15
Adding random effects of both the intercept and the slope further improves model fit. But allowing these two random effects to correlate appears unnecessary, as the estimated correlation coefficient between these random terms is very small, with a confidence interval encompassing zero and worse information criteria.
# lme() uncorrelated random intercept + slope
summary(Model7 <- lme(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy |> transform(ID = Subject),
random = list(~ 1 | Subject, ~ 0 + Days | ID)))
" AIC BIC logLik
1753.669 1769.578 -871.8346
Random effects:
Formula: ~1 | Subject
StdDev: 25.05133
Formula: ~0 + Days | ID %in% Subject
Days Residual
StdDev: 5.988172 25.56529
Fixed effects: Reaction ~ Days
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) 251.40510 6.885381 161 36.51288 0
Days 10.46729 1.559566 161 6.71167 0"
" lower est. upper
(Intercept) 237.807798 251.40510 265.00241
Days 7.387443 10.46729 13.54713
Level: Subject
lower est. upper
sd((Intercept)) 16.08536 25.05133 39.01492
Level: ID
lower est. upper
sd(Days) 4.025233 5.988172 8.908353
Within-group standard error:
lower est. upper
22.79178 25.56529 28.67630
If Subject is not copied and renamed, the print method of intervals()
will mistake these two components and report
Random Effects:
Level: Subject
lower est. upper
sd(Days) 16.08536 25.05133 39.01492
Level: Subject
lower est. upper
sd(Days) 16.08536 25.05133 39.01492"
# lme() correlated random intercept + slope
summary(Model8 <- lme(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy,
random = ~ 1 + Days | Subject))
"A worse fit than random intercept + AR1
AIC BIC logLik
1755.628 1774.719 -871.8141
Random effects:
Formula: ~1 + Days | Subject
Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
StdDev Corr
(Intercept) 24.740241 (Intr)
Days 5.922103 0.066
Residual 25.591843
Fixed effects: Reaction ~ Days
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) 251.40510 6.824516 161 36.83853 0
Days 10.46729 1.545783 161 6.77151 0"
" lower est. upper
(Intercept) 237.927995 251.40510 264.88221
Days 7.414662 10.46729 13.51991
lower est. upper
sd((Intercept)) 15.5175354 24.74024072 39.4443767
sd(Days) 3.9041696 5.92210282 8.9830375
cor((Intercept),Days) -0.5760831 0.06556383 0.6572156
Within-group standard error:
lower est. upper
22.79706 25.59184 28.72925"
Using autoregressive residual correlation fits the model substantially better in both AIC and BIC than those of compound symmetry residuals or random effects. Combining autoregressive residuals and random intercepts improves AIC marginally but inflates BIC.
# gls() AR1
summary(Model9 <- gls(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy,
correlation = corAR1(form = ~ Days | Subject)))
" AIC BIC logLik
1747.206 1759.933 -869.603
Correlation Structure: AR(1)
Formula: ~Days | Subject # here Days correct for missing days if any
Parameter estimate(s):
Value Std.Error t-value p-value
(Intercept) 253.73770 11.250640 22.553180 0
Days 10.46673 1.699413 6.159028 0
Residual standard error: 49.51497
Here restricted AIC < Model3 1794.465 < Model5 1899.664
residual/coef SE larger
corAR1 is better than corCompSymm for the data"
" lower est. upper
(Intercept) 231.535905 253.73770 275.93950
Days 7.113145 10.46673 13.82032
Correlation structure:
lower est. upper
Phi 0.6995489 0.799953 0.8693829
Residual standard error:
lower est. upper
40.59756 49.51497 60.39113"
" cor_params sigma_sq
cor_params 0.001717378 17.05477
sigma_sq 17.054771342 236905.06677"
# lme() AR1 + random intercept
summary(Model10 <- lme(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy,
random = ~ 1 | Subject,
correlation = corAR1(form = ~ Days | Subject)))
" AIC BIC logLik
1746.191 1762.1 -868.0955
Random effects:
Formula: ~1 | Subject
(Intercept) Residual
StdDev: 31.71358 37.63734
Correlation Structure: AR(1)
Formula: ~Days | Subject
Parameter estimate(s):
Fixed effects: Reaction ~ Days
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) 252.84144 10.94093 161 23.109688 0
Days 10.46687 1.34408 161 7.787388 0
Here restricted AIC < Model7 1747.206
residual SE larger than lme() random intercepts only
re + corAR1 is better than corAR1 alone for the data"
" Fixed effects:
lower est. upper
(Intercept) 231.235210 252.84144 274.44768
Days 7.812573 10.46687 13.12117
Random Effects:
Level: Subject
lower est. upper
sd((Intercept)) 18.49463 31.71358 54.38072
Correlation structure:
lower est. upper
Phi 0.4341414 0.6531333 0.7992378
Within-group standard error:
lower est. upper
29.19232 37.63734 48.52541 "
" Tau.Subject.var((Intercept)) cor_params
Tau.Subject.var((Intercept)) 311496.61500 -19.066132731
cor_params -19.06613 0.008051599
sigma_sq -77449.46722 29.062277325
Tau.Subject.var((Intercept)) -77449.46722
cor_params 29.06228
sigma_sq 129827.95559"
Adding both random intercepts and random slopes in presence of autoregressive errors further improves model fits when these two components are uncorrelated. Allowing the two random terms to correlate, however, confuses the nlminb
algorithm. Switching the optimizer to optim
converges but shows that correlation between the two random terms essentially cannot be identified.
# lme() AR1 + uncorrelated random intercept/slope
summary(Model11 <- lme(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy |> transform(ID = Subject),
random = list(~ 1 | Subject, ~ 0 + Days | ID),
correlation = corAR1(form = ~ Days | Subject)))
" AIC BIC logLik
1738.196 1757.287 -863.0981
Random effects:
Formula: ~1 | Subject
StdDev: 20.15631
Formula: ~0 + Days | Subject %in% Subject
Days Residual
StdDev: 5.666592 29.557
Correlation Structure: AR(1)
Formula: ~Days | Subject/Subject
Parameter estimate(s):
Fixed effects: Reaction ~ Days
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) 252.15508 7.336304 161 34.37086 0
Days 10.46704 1.667154 161 6.27839 0
Warning message:
In lme.formula(Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy, random = list(~1 | :
cannot use smaller level of grouping for 'correlation' than for 'random'.
Replacing the former with the latter."
intervals(Model11) # looks okay
" lower est. upper
(Intercept) 237.667293 252.15508 266.64288
Days 7.174727 10.46704 13.75934
Level: Subject
lower est. upper
sd((Intercept)) 9.386327 20.15631 43.28389
Level: ID
lower est. upper
sd(Days) 3.516849 5.666592 9.13041
Correlation structure:
lower est. upper
Phi 0.2105079 0.4544552 0.6451227
Within-group standard error:
lower est. upper
24.18822 29.55700 36.11744"
# lme() AR1 + correlated random intercept/slope
summary(Model12 <- lme(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy,
random = ~ 1 + Days | Subject,
correlation = corAR1(form = ~ Days | Subject)))
"Error in lme.formula(Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy, random = ~1 + :
nlminb problem, convergence error code = 1
message = iteration limit reached without convergence (10)"
summary(Model12 <- lme(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy,
random = ~ 1 + Days | Subject,
correlation = corAR1(form = ~ Days | Subject),
control = lmeControl(maxIter = 50000, msMaxIter = 1000, msMaxEval = 2000)))
"Error in lme.formula(Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy, random = ~1 + :
nlminb problem, convergence error code = 1
message = singular convergence (7)"
summary(Model12 <- lme(
Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy,
random = ~ 1 + Days | Subject,
correlation = corAR1(form = ~ Days | Subject),
control = lmeControl(opt = "optim")))
" AIC BIC logLik
1738.187 1760.46 -862.0935
Random effects:
Formula: ~1 + Days | Subject
Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
StdDev Corr
(Intercept) 14.879196 (Intr)
Days 4.759861 0.897
Residual 30.500694
Correlation Structure: AR(1)
Formula: ~Days | Subject
Parameter estimate(s):
Fixed effects: Reaction ~ Days
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) 252.24315 6.851137 161 36.81770 0
Days 10.46701 1.532133 161 6.83166 0"
" lower est. upper
(Intercept) 238.713471 252.24315 265.77283
Days 7.441343 10.46701 13.49268
Random Effects: Level: Subject
lower est. upper
sd((Intercept)) 5.494663 14.8791959 40.2919116
sd(Days) 2.644655 4.7598609 8.5668177
cor((Intercept),Days) -0.997741 0.8967291 0.9999933
Correlation structure:
lower est. upper
Phi 0.2791926 0.4870368 0.6512869
Within-group standard error:
lower est. upper
25.45483 30.50069 36.54679
cor((Intercept),Days) essentially [-1, 1], should be removed"
In summary, having both correlated random effects and correlated residuals may be too complex for the model fitting algorithms to converge. I have also run into occasions where widely apart ranges of predictors also result in noncoverages, and simple scaling of some predictors will resolve the optimization issue. We need to use converged models with estimates and confidence intervals away from theoretical boundaries and select parsimonious models based on AIC and BIC.
, but not inlme4
. Still I'm wondering why the authors oflme4
chose an example data set which in my mind requires a feature that the package does not provide. – Does someone know whether there are plans for a package combining the features ofnlme
? $\endgroup$nlme
may have all you need for your data excepted limited responses.lme4
provides a more convenient specification for crossed random terms, which your does not have. For more complex residual structure, use…. $\endgroup$