I have used lme
and ezAnova
to analyse data from a 2$\times$3 repeated-measures experiment. Theoretically those are two different ways to perform the same analysis. However, the resulting $F$-statisics and DF differ and I am lost in why.
Here is the exact data and output:
I have a data set with 2 independent variables (marker_lang
and congruency
) and the dependent variable RT
: Both IV are repeated and completely crossed (thus 6 conditions overall). The data are not collapsed to cell means, meaning that per condition and subject I have several data points.
Here is what I did with ezAnova:
ezANOVA(subset(data.mark.afc, !is.na(afc.RT)), dv=afc.RT, wid=subjectID,
within=.(marker_lang,congruency), within_full=.(marker_lang,congruency), detailed=1, type=3)
And the output:
Effect DFn DFd SSn SSd F p p<.05 ges
1 (Intercept) 1 24 84879098.819 1892110.06 1076.6278430 1.881814e-21 * 0.9762134497
2 marker_lang 1 24 36392.804 80595.30 10.8371986 3.071336e-03 * 0.0172922873
3 congruency 2 48 25426.393 47319.45 12.8960382 3.292730e-05 * 0.0121448066
4 marker_lang:congruency 2 48 1160.152 48150.91 0.5782581 5.647333e-01 0.0005606399
Here is what I did with lme:
basemodel <- lme(data=subset(cdata, !is.na(afc.RT)), afc.RT~1,
random=~1|subjectID/congruency/marker_lang, method="ML")
langmodel <- update(basemodel, .~. + marker_lang)
angcongmodel <- update(langmodel, .~. + congruency)
fulmodel <- update(langcongmodel, .~. +marker_lang:congruency)
And the anova-tables for the lme analysis:
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 4715 1112.3468 <.0001
marker_lang 1 72 24.8917 <.0001
congruency 2 48 8.3902 0.0008
marker_lang:congruency 2 72 0.4475 0.6410
anova(basemodel, langmodel, langcongmodel, fulmodel)
Model df AIC BIC logLik Test L.Ratio p-value
basemodel 1 5 64203.43 64235.88 -32096.72
langmodel 2 6 64185.06 64224.00 -32086.53 1 vs 2 20.366313 <.0001
langcongmodel 3 8 64173.27 64225.19 -32078.64 2 vs 3 15.790082 0.0004
fulmodel 4 10 64176.38 64241.28 -32078.19 3 vs 4 0.892535 0.6400
I would expect the $F$, DF, and $p$-values for corresponding effects to be the same, which is not the case. This seems not an issue of different anova-types, as I tried out different types for ezAnova
. None yield the same result as anova of fulmodel
Any help/ideas will be greatly appreciated!