Say I'm using Top2Vec as a topic model to capture the top 10 salient topics across documents. I have an array that contains the documents of the corpus. Initially, there are not enough documents to run the Top2Vec. There sample size is enough to run LDA, though, and get usable results. If next I multiply the array by, say, a factor of 10, there would then be enough documents to run Top2Vec. If I were to multiply the array of documents by 100 or 1000 instead, would the results always be the same assuming each original document is repeated proportionally (and identically) in the resulting array? Is scaling up this way trivial in terms of results, or would it distort results in some way? This is only for comparing the results of both approaches.
I realize that multiplying the array of documents will not generate any new information, but the model won't even run without expanding the array somehow. I just need to get a sense of what the results would look like if Top2Vec were run. This is for the purposes of comparison to another model that already does generate meaningful results on the unaltered sample size, without any augmentation. The combined length is already 200,000 words without multiplying of the set. The question is whether such a comparison would be fair. Since no new information is generated by multiplying the set, it seems to me that augmenting just to get Top2Vec to run should be fine (it's not like results would change anyway whether it was multiplied by a factor of 10 or 100 since no new info is being generated, right?). I'm trying to make sure I'm not mistaken in that thinking, for the purposes of comparison. Even if the quality of Top2Vec's results is low on that amount of raw information, that would still be okay to show in order to demonstrate why the first model may be more suitable. Am I missing something?