I would like to know how I can interpret the coefficients in a regression when the dependent variable is years.
For example, suppose I am interested in the year different cities received a new Apple store ($year$, say it goes from 1990 to 2010), and I use (a) income $inc$ and (b) indicator for having a Microsoft store $micro$ as the independent variables, and I have a dummy or fixed effect for each region. Then I estimate two equations separately:
$year_c = \beta_1 inc + region_c + \varepsilon_c$
$year_c = \beta_2 micro + region_c + \varepsilon_c$
Suppose $\beta_1 = -1$ and $beta_2 = 2$. I think it mean cities with higher income were treated 1 year earlier and cities with a Microsoft store were treated 2 years later.
But I don't know how to interpret it exactly: 1 year earlier relative to what?
Thank you.