In my work I mostly use latent variable modeling, but due to a recent project, I now have to also use a multilevel model. I have a situation where latent constructs of geography knowledge (measured with 20 test items) and learning motivation (measured with 10 questionnaire items) are measured for every pupil. Pupils are nested within schools.
For simplicity purposes, let's assume that the latent variable scores are already precalculated. Then the model consists of a regression equation:
$G_{i} = \beta_{0i} + \beta_{1i}M + \epsilon_{i}$,
where $G$ is geography knowledge, $M$ is learning motivation, $\beta_{0i}$ is the intercept of school $i$ and $\beta_{1i}$ is the slope, and $\epsilon_{i}$ is the residual.
Firstly I would just like to confirm I got this right?
Secondly, I am moving on to some software that requires me to specify the within- and between- parts of the model, and here I reach the part which I don't understand. To my understanding, the within part of the model is the part written above in the equation. The between part of the model would exist if I measured some school-level variables (e.g. school budget, do they employ psychologists etc.) and if these variables were related to some external variables or to the within-level variables.
I have no school-level variables in the model. To my understanding, this would mean that I have no between- part in my model. However, I've read on some online forums (namely, the Mplus forum), that if you have nothing in the between part of the model, then your model is not a multilevel model, but just a simple regression.
Therefore I am now confused and I would appreciate if someone could clear this up. To make it as simple as possible, the questions would be:
Does my model have a between part, or does it only have a within part? If it has a between part, how does it look like?