Conceptual Discussion
Roland seems to present an answer for how one can derive the function based off the programming. I think your core question however remains unanswered...what do the coefficients here in the spline represent? Roland already noted that we don't generally interpret these directly, but it seems you are still confused about what their purpose is based off the comments and your original question, so I will explain to a degree what they do.
First off, coefficients cannot be interpreted the same way as regular $\beta$ coefficients in a regression. Typically a coefficient in linear regression says something like "for every one unit increase in $x$, we get an associated increase in $y$". A B-spline basis behaves very differently and is more for constructing the line than direct interpretation (hence why Roland noted that they're not usually important to look at). The coefficients in a B-spline essentially scale the evaluated basis functions according to the data in order to fit a curve. Each coefficient belongs to a different B-spline basis function. These basis functions are locally defined polynomials of a certain order (shown in the plot from Roland).
Suppose we have a B-spline with $n$ basis functions, $b_1(x), b_2(x),\ldots, b_n(x)$ made up of coefficients $c_1, c_2, \ldots,c_n$. The final spline is made up of a linear equation such that:
S(x) = c_1 b_1(x) + c_2 b_2(x) + \cdots + c_n b_n(x).
To summarize this all in one sentence, each coefficient scales the spline different directions by multiplying the coefficients by their bases, in turn giving us our regression line.
It may be easier to see how this is actually working in action. Instead of using your data, I'm going to generate a sequence of values, $x$, and apply a B-spline to them (using default knot placement) and show how changing the coefficients manipulates the regression line. First the data and the bases, which I create with the splines2
package because they have convenient plotting functions:
#### Load Spline Package ####
#### Define Sequence of X ####
x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
#### Define a B-spline Basis (df = 5) ####
basis <- bSpline(x, df = 5) # same as bs(), but added functionality
Running plot(basis)
gives us a quick plot of the 5 estimated basis functions necessary for our regression lines:
We can see that each basis has a minimum and a maximum, with the lines oscillating based on different points of the sequence of $x$. Roland's custom function shows that for your three-piece function this is assembled in the following steps:
- First, calculate the third basis function as $b_3 = \frac{x - \text{knot}_2}{\text{max}(x) - \text{knot}_2}$
- Then, calculate the second basis function as $b_2 = \frac{x - \text{knot}_1}{\text{knot}_2 - \text{knot}_1} - b_3$
- Then, calculate the first basis function as $b_1 = \frac{x - \text{min}(x)}{\text{knot}_1 - \text{min}(x)} - b_2$
- For each basis, set the $b = 0$ if $x < \text{knot}_n$. The knots are essentially intervals where the "pieces" of the polynomial meet.
We would just add more steps with more degrees of freedom. If we run head(basis)
for our five-piece function, we get an idea of what this is doing in practice:
1 2 3 4 5
[1,] 0.00000000 0.000000000 0.000000e+00 0 0
[2,] 0.08682556 0.001351903 4.637746e-06 0 0
[3,] 0.16567883 0.005305581 3.710197e-05 0 0
[4,] 0.23685199 0.011707989 1.252191e-04 0 0
[5,] 0.30063723 0.020406081 2.968157e-04 0 0
[6,] 0.35732671 0.031246812 5.797182e-04 0 0
Above are the first 6 rows of values of the five basis functions. Conceptually, we can think of them as "toggle" switches. When they are set to zero, the line for the basis function stays where it is. When it is set to a number, the $y$ value of the basis function shifts upward or downward relative to its last position. You can see the first row is all zeroes, which we see in the plot...all of the basis functions start at zero. But the next five rows illustrate how this toggling works...the first three basis functions increase slightly in value while the last two basis functions are still zero. Again, we can see this in the plot. While the first three colored lines start to elevate, the others remain at zero. These toggles are later used to expand the regression line when multiplied by our estimated coefficients.
Rather than running a regression, let's just make up some coefficients, a set of coefficients that increases and a set of coefficients that decrease.
#### Define Coefficients ####
coefficients1 <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # increasing line
coefficients2 <- c(5, 4, 3, 2, 1) # decreasing line
Now we just multiply our coefficients by their basis functions by simply using the %*%
#### Compute Splines ####
spline1 <- basis %*% coefficients1
spline2 <- basis %*% coefficients2
Notice something...the when printing both the head
of both, we see the values both increase!
> head(spline1)
[1,] 0.00000000
[2,] 0.08954327
[3,] 0.17640129
[4,] 0.26064363
[5,] 0.34233984
[6,] 0.42155949
> head(spline2)
[1,] 0.0000000
[2,] 0.4395493
[3,] 0.8497278
[4,] 1.2314676
[5,] 1.5857009
[6,] 1.9133600
But running the tail
paints a different picture...the spline continues to increase for the first set of coefficients but decreases for the second set of coefficients:
> tail(spline1)
[95,] 4.578441
[96,] 4.657660
[97,] 4.739356
[98,] 4.823599
[99,] 4.910457
[100,] 5.000000
> tail(spline2)
[95,] 1.421559
[96,] 1.342340
[97,] 1.260644
[98,] 1.176401
[99,] 1.089543
[100,] 1.000000
Plotting them will make this make more sense:
#### Plot Splines ####
plot(x, # plot x
spline1, # and the first spline values (basis * coef)
type = "l", # run a line
ylim = c(min(spline1, spline2),
max(spline1, spline2)), # across the min/max of both splines
ylab = "Spline", # labels
xlab = "X",
main = "Effect of Coefficients on B-Spline")
#### Add Other Spline to Plot ####
lines(x, spline2, col = "red")
Now for the million dollar answer to your question: we see that the bases are the same, but the lines shift based off the what coefficient we get. Remember that for the initial values of our basis matrix, the first three basis functions increased, so any multiplier would naturally increase their values (such as we did with our coefficients). But as the basis functions and coefficients shift (such as those we saw for the last values of the matrix), their multiplications result in different adjustments to the spline.
So to reiterate Roland's points in the comments, the coefficients are important, but from an inferential standpoint, they are not all that helpful. All they do is explain to a degree how the lines are constructed.
You have probably been secretly asking does this work in relation to an actual regression? The coefficients here are arbitrarily estimated after all! Below I show how we put the pieces together. Recall that for OLS, we simply find the coefficients of the predictors by way of the formula:
\beta =
(X^T X)^{-1} X^T Y
(I explain what this means in a lot more detail in this answer). With our basis functions we are literally doing the same thing, only now we replace the matrix of predictors $X$ with a matrix of our basis functions $B$. Both are still just matrices, we just multiply them in the usual way. We can simulate a normally distributed $y$ outcome variable and fit a regression with our B-splines and then estimate them manually to see how they compare.
#### Load Spline Package ####
#### Define Sequence of X ####
x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
y <- rnorm(length(x)) # randomly generated y
#### Define a B-spline Basis (df = 5) ####
basis <- bSpline(x, df = 5)
#### Fit OLS for Automatically Estimated Coefficients ####
fit <- lm(y ~ basis)
#### Manually Estimated Coefficients ####
X <- cbind(1, basis) # Add a column of ones for the intercept
beta <- solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% y
#### Check if They Match ####
And you will notice that the coefficients match expectation:
> beta
1 0.50139098
2 0.14124404
3 0.83695374
4 0.67247554
5 0.03328192
> coef(fit)
(Intercept) basis1 basis2 basis3 basis4
-0.54616448 0.50139098 0.14124404 0.83695374 0.67247554
variable throughout the coded sections. $\endgroup$