I understand that the Beta Distribution is a 'natural conjugate' of the Binomial distribution, in sense that the Posterior Distribution is proportional to the multiplication of both.
$$ Posterior(\theta | X) \propto Likelihood(X|\theta) \cdot Prior(\theta) $$
$$ \pi(\theta | X) \propto P(X=x | \theta) \cdot \pi(\theta) $$
$$ \pi(\theta | X) \propto \big{[} \binom{n}{x} \theta^x (1-\theta)^{n-x} \big{]} \cdot \big{[} \theta^{\alpha-1} (1-\theta)^{\beta-1} \big{]} $$
$$ \theta | X \sim \text{Beta}(x + \alpha, n - x + \beta) $$
with $x$ the number of successes in $n$ independent Bernoulli trials with success probability $\theta$. $\alpha$ and $\beta$ prior parameters of the beta distribution.
But I have also seen some people scaling up/down the impact of each unit of information into the posterior distribution:
$$ \theta | X \sim \text{Beta}(c \cdot x + \alpha, c \cdot (n - x) + \beta) $$
In that sense, the posterior distribution can adjust the strength of the evidence provided by the data by scaling the successes and failures (With a big $c$ increasing the effect of the data, small $c$ decreasing the effect of the data).
The fact that there is an (arbitrary?) $c$ scaling up and down the posterior distribution makes me think that the Beta distribution, even though convenient because of the conjugacy, may not be a good representation of the distribution of $\theta$, otherwise, why tuning it? Is there something I am missing/ misinterpreting?
Just for a visual representation: let's define $\alpha = 1$, $\beta = 1$, $n = 16$, $x = 6$
if $c = 0.5$: