I have a distribution of $n_{obs}$ "real" data observations drawn from a normal distribution $X \sim N(\mu,\sigma^2)$, and a number $Q$ of simulated realizations of the same distribution, from which I have drawn $n_{obs}$ observations from each realization.
I am interested in knowing the distribution of the number of simulated observations greater than the maximum real data value.
My attempt:
We can take $\mu=0,\sigma^2=1$ for simplicity's sake.
The probability of a sim test statistic $x$ having a value larger than a value $M$ would be the tail distribution for $x=M$:
$P_G (x>M) = 1-\Phi(M)$
where $\Phi$ is the normal distribution CDF. The number of sims greater than $M$ would then be obtained by multiplying this probability by the number of sim statistics, i.e., $n_{obs} \cdot Q$.
Per probabilityislogic's answer to this question, $M$ above is given by the $n_{obs}$'th (the highest) order statistic, the distribution for which is given by a "beta-F" compound distribution. For the $i=N$ case in their notation, this comes out as:
$ P_M (x_{n_{obs}}) = n_{obs} \cdot f({x_{n_{obs}}})\Phi(x_{n_{obs}})^{n_{obs}-1}$
where $f$ is the normal distribution PDF here. I suppose I'd then want to marginalize over $x_{n_{obs}}$:
$P_{N_{gtr}}(x,n_{obs}) = \int P_G (x|x_{n_{obs}})P_M (x_{n_{obs}})dx_{n_{obs}}$
$ = \int (1-\Phi(x_{n_{obs}}))\cdot n \cdot f (x_{n_{obs}})\Phi(x_{n_{obs}})^{n-1}$
...which appears to be a horrific integral, though I can get Matlab to spit out a finite number with specified inputs. But Mathematica is failing to give me a symbolic representation, and from my numerical experiments, I'm suspecting I may have gone wrong in (at least) this last step.
I'm an astronomer who is a bit out of my depth with this... But would like to understand. It's been a while since I've properly studied formal statistics like this and I likely have some fundamental misconception(s). Approaching this in a brute-force empirical manner starting from pure Gaussian random variables in Matlab reveals that this produces a uniform distribution in the $n_{obs}=1$ case, and becomes exponentially distributed for the $n_{obs}\gg1$ case. I'd like to be able to reproduce or understand that limiting behavior, if possible.
If I numerically sample from $P_M$ and feed the results into $P_G$, I obtain something quite close to the brute-force numerical result, though with some strange scalings, so this suggests I'm at least in the neighborhood of what I want.