I am conducting a within-group study where participants rate the perceived helpfulness of ideas on a Likert scale (DV) across two different days (Day 1 and Day 2), serving as the independent variable (IV).
The challenge I'm encountering is that each participant rated a different set of ideas on each day, and not every participant rated ideas on both days. As a result, the ratings cannot be directly paired by participants across the two days. For example:
| day 1 | day 2 |
| p1's rating on idea#1 | p3's rating on idea#5 |
| p2's rating on idea#3 | p3's rating on idea#2 |
Given that the data is not normally distributed, my initial thought was to use the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test to analyze the differences between Day 1 and Day 2. However, I realized this may not be appropriate due to the lack of paired data. Would this be the case where the Mann-Whitney U test is acceptable?