There is a cool package mentioned in the GLMM FAQs called equatiomatic.
Reproducible example:
#> Skipping install of 'equatiomatic' from a github remote, the SHA1 (39e8c3ea) has not changed since last install.
#> Use `force = TRUE` to force installation
# Number of observations
n <- 1000
# Generate random binary data with factor predictors
data <- data.frame(
A = as.factor(sample(c("beets", "peas"), replace = TRUE, size = n)),
B = as.factor(sample(c("honey", "milk"), replace = TRUE, size = n)),
C = as.factor(sample(c("oats", "nuts"), replace = TRUE, size = n)),
D = as.factor(sample(c("apples", "pears"), replace = TRUE, size = n))
# Generate binary response variable using rbinom
data$prop <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 0.5) # Probability of success is 0.5 for simplicity
#> A B C D prop
#> 1 beets honey oats pears 0
#> 2 beets milk oats apples 1
#> 3 beets milk oats pears 1
#> 4 peas honey nuts pears 1
#> 5 beets milk nuts apples 0
#> 6 peas honey oats pears 0
# Fit model
m <- glm(formula = prop ~ A * B * C * D , family = quasibinomial, data = data)
# Display the model summary
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = prop ~ A * B * C * D, family = quasibinomial, data = data)
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) -0.2097 0.2477 -0.847 0.3973
#> Apeas 0.1746 0.3643 0.479 0.6317
#> Bmilk 0.3639 0.3525 1.032 0.3022
#> Coats 0.5744 0.3609 1.592 0.1118
#> Dpears 0.6006 0.3680 1.632 0.1030
#> Apeas:Bmilk -0.3288 0.5090 -0.646 0.5185
#> Apeas:Coats -0.6934 0.5143 -1.348 0.1778
#> Bmilk:Coats -0.6595 0.5131 -1.285 0.1990
#> Apeas:Dpears -0.2601 0.5194 -0.501 0.6166
#> Bmilk:Dpears -1.2115 0.5345 -2.267 0.0236 *
#> Coats:Dpears -0.7364 0.5064 -1.454 0.1462
#> Apeas:Bmilk:Coats 0.3587 0.7310 0.491 0.6237
#> Apeas:Bmilk:Dpears 0.7011 0.7436 0.943 0.3460
#> Apeas:Coats:Dpears 0.2624 0.7208 0.364 0.7159
#> Bmilk:Coats:Dpears 0.9320 0.7326 1.272 0.2036
#> Apeas:Bmilk:Coats:Dpears -0.1278 1.0357 -0.123 0.9018
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for quasibinomial family taken to be 1.01626)
#> Null deviance: 1385.8 on 999 degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 1368.2 on 984 degrees of freedom
#> AIC: NA
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
# Extract equation
Created on 2024-03-04 with reprex v2.1.0
And that is the output pasted as a formula:
\log\left[ \frac { E( \operatorname{prop} ) }{ 1 - E( \operatorname{prop} ) } \right] = \alpha + \beta_{1}(\operatorname{A}_{\operatorname{peas}}) + \beta_{2}(\operatorname{B}_{\operatorname{milk}}) + \beta_{3}(\operatorname{C}_{\operatorname{oats}}) + \beta_{4}(\operatorname{D}_{\operatorname{pears}}) +\\ \beta_{5}(\operatorname{A}_{\operatorname{peas}} \times \operatorname{B}_{\operatorname{milk}}) + \beta_{6}(\operatorname{A}_{\operatorname{peas}} \times \operatorname{C}_{\operatorname{oats}}) + \beta_{7}(\operatorname{B}_{\operatorname{milk}} \times \operatorname{C}_{\operatorname{oats}}) + \beta_{8}(\operatorname{A}_{\operatorname{peas}} \times \operatorname{D}_{\operatorname{pears}}) +\\ \beta_{9}(\operatorname{B}_{\operatorname{milk}} \times \operatorname{D}_{\operatorname{pears}}) + \beta_{10}(\operatorname{C}_{\operatorname{oats}} \times \operatorname{D}_{\operatorname{pears}}) + \beta_{11}(\operatorname{A}_{\operatorname{peas}} \times \operatorname{B}_{\operatorname{milk}} \times \operatorname{C}_{\operatorname{oats}}) +\\ \beta_{12}(\operatorname{A}_{\operatorname{peas}} \times \operatorname{B}_{\operatorname{milk}} \times \operatorname{D}_{\operatorname{pears}}) + \beta_{13}(\operatorname{A}_{\operatorname{peas}} \times \operatorname{C}_{\operatorname{oats}} \times \operatorname{D}_{\operatorname{pears}}) + \beta_{14}(\operatorname{B}_{\operatorname{milk}} \times \operatorname{C}_{\operatorname{oats}} \times \operatorname{D}_{\operatorname{pears}}) +\\ \beta_{15}(\operatorname{A}_{\operatorname{peas}} \times \operatorname{B}_{\operatorname{milk}} \times \operatorname{C}_{\operatorname{oats}} \times \operatorname{D}_{\operatorname{pears}})
Now comparing Coefficients in summary(m)
with the model formula above you can see how it was put together.
When formally describing a statistical model, it is important to address not only how you modeled the expected value but also how you modeled the variance. This is important for understanding the model's structure and assumptions. See @BenBolker's answer for that.
prop ~ A*B
, would you know how to write the model? $\endgroup$