We conducted an experiment to test the effect of a map annotated with the height of landscape features on participant's estimates of height relative to that recorded by a UAV. We asked them to record the height to the nearest metre before and after access to a map. In addition to analysing the difference between UAV and participant estimates to the nearest 1m, we categorised data into three height bands 0-25m, 25-200m and >200m. We anticipated that there might be difference before and after a map when looking at data to the nearest 1m but not when looking at height bands. The response variable is the difference between participant estimated height band and the UAV height band. So the difference could be 0, 1, 2, where pariticpants could be out by 0 height band, 1 height band etc.. As you might imagine this creates a lot of zeros and ties in the data and I'm unsure how to handle these in the context of a Wilcoxon paired analysis. I am aware of the different packages and methods for handling tied observations (Pratt vs Wilcoxon), I have read around as much as I could before considering posting this question but what I am unsure of is how many zeros or ties make the results unreliable? When I analyse my data, I get a significant difference in height band estimates before and after access to a map. The dataset is large but as mentioned there are a lot of ties.
To reproduce my data:
diff_hband_abs <- c(rep(0, 1515), rep(1, 374), rep(2, 1))
round_data <- rep(c(1, 2), each = 945)
vp_data <- c(rep('N', 1296), rep('Y', 594))
df <- data.frame(DiffHband_abs = diff_hband_abs, Round = round_data, VP = vp_data)
diff_hband_abs = the difference between the participant estimated height band and that of the UAV
round_data = the round of the experiment where participants did not have access to a map (round 1) and the round where they did have access to a map (round 2)
vp_data = we collected information of whether participants had ever conducted surveys of bird flight height before (if they had vp_data ='Y'; if not vp_data='N').
When running the different possible functions for wilcoxon-signed rank test for paired data (including the version in the coin package with Pratts method for handling ties) I get highly significant p-values and I'm not sure if I can trust them due to the nature of my data. I would be interested in any clarity on this analysis and suggestions for other analysis would also be very welcome. I have considered ordinal regression but my data violate the proportional odds assumption.
Many many thanks for your time and consideration.