
I'm doing a moderation analysis in R. My dependent variable is a rate (Diffcount/totalcount), the independent variable is an index (continuous), and the moderator is a categorical variable (3 levels). I fitted a negative binomial regression model using glm.nb from MASS, and I used offset term like below:

glm.nb(Diffcount~Index1*factor3 + offset(log(totalcount)), data = dt)

I generated a interaction plot for this model, using interact_plot from interactions package.enter image description here What I'm really confusing about is the interpretation of the y-axis. Does the value represent the rate (i.e., Diffcount/totalcount), a probability, or maybe something else? Thank you!

  • $\begingroup$ What is totalcount? Is there a fixed possible total number that Diffcount can take, like a maximum number of heads out of a known number of coin tosses? $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 11 at 15:36
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @gung-ReinstateMonica Yes there is a fixed possible number. Basically I'm calculating the count of decayed teeth in a person's mouth at two different time point. So totalcount refers to how many healthy teeth we found on this person at time1, and Diffcount refers to the increasement of decayed teeth from time1 to time2. $\endgroup$
    – YYM17
    Commented Mar 11 at 15:40
  • $\begingroup$ It would also be useful to see your model output using summary() function. $\endgroup$
    – Jack
    Commented Mar 11 at 17:59

1 Answer 1


The y axis is the conditional expectation. It is interpreted depending on what you pass as covariates to the predict method for glm.nb. Let's see a small example.

I'm going to simulate data from

$$\log(E[y\mid x]) = -2 + 0.8x + 0.2z -0.3xz + \log(n) $$

for binary $z$, which is similar to your model. I will simulate the data to be from a poisson distribution despite us using the engative binomial.


x <- seq(-2, 2, 0.1)
z <- letters[1:2]

dgrid <- crossing(x, z)
dgrid$n <- rpois(nrow(dgrid), 10)

X <- model.matrix(~x*z, data=dgrid)
eta <- X %*% c(-2, 0.8, 0.2, -0.3) + log(dgrid$n)
dgrid$y <- rpois(nrow(dgrid), exp(eta))

Let's now plot our predictions. To do so, we need to specify values of $x$, $z$, and $n$. Let's set $z=a$ and then compute the prediction over a grid of $x$ values for 2 values of $n$ (2 and 10). Plot is shown below

fit <- MASS::glm.nb(y~x*z + offset(log(n)), data=dgrid)
dpred <- crossing(x, z='a', n=c(2, 10))
dpred$mu <- predict(fit, newdata=dpred, type='response')

dpred %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x, mu, color=factor(n))) + 

enter image description here

Two different curves. The curve depends on what the value of $n$ is -- generally, larger $n$ means larger values of the prediction.

Now, onto your questions.

What I'm really confusing about is the interpretation of the y-axis.

The y axis here and in your plot is the expected value for the outcome. It isn't a rate per se, it is an expected count variable. Why should prediction be a floating point number and not an integer when the outcome is an integer? It is the expected count, and it is more than reasonable to talk about the expected outcome being a float.

To get the expected rate, set $n=1$ when making the prediction call, as follows

dpred <- crossing(x, z='a', n=1)
dpred$mu <- predict(fit, newdata=dpred, type='response')

I imagine the library you've used to construct that plot might be setting $n=1$, but I can't be sure. If you can, verify this is actually the case before proceeding. Else, you can use a different library which makes this more transparent, like {marginaleffects}. Here is how I would make your plot in that library


  newdata = datagrid(n=1, x=seq(-2, 2, 0.1), by='z'),
  by=c('x', 'z')

With {marginaleffects}, you can specify the value of $n$ yourself. If you don't like the aesthetics of the plot, you can use the predictions function to get the data that would be used to create this plot.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you very much, Demetri! This is very clear! I will definitely try out the the marginaleffects function! $\endgroup$
    – YYM17
    Commented Mar 12 at 2:32

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