I am researching predictors of dropout from a training program. I want so to see if personality traits add incremental variance above well-established predictors like age, fitness, and education. So, in the end, I want to do a hierarchical logistic regression and compare the difference in R2. The (simplified) full model to predict dropout will look something like this:
dropout = age + education type + fitness level + personality trait A … + personality trait J
I do not expect any interactions. Dropout is a dichotomous variable (yes/no). Education type is a categorical variable, fitness level ordinal, the personality traits are continuous and normally distributed.
I measured potential predictors at T1 (age, fitness, education, personality traits) and the outcome “dropout” a few months later at T2. While there is less than 1% missing data for the predictors in T1, about 50% of the outcome in T2 is missing. In other words, the questionnaire in T1 was answered by 1000 persons, and my follow-up call in T2 (whether people still do the training) by 500. Out of these 500, 460 people kept up the training and 40 people dropped out. I am not sure how I should handle the focal analysis of my question (are personality traits useful predictors) and this amount of missing data. I am usually working with R and consider two options:
Option 1: I consider using multiple imputation to fill in the missing data (R package MICE). The data suggests a MAR mechanism, where the missingness depends on the personality of the participants (undisciplined people fill out T2 significantly less). I could use this information to tailor the imputations and do a sensitivity analysis to estimate what effect an alternative NMAR mechanism would have. Then I could use a logistic regression model to answer my main question, namely which variables from T1 best predict dropout.
Option 2: I think I also could build a structural equation model to answer my question and use FIML to handle missing data (R package lavaan). This option is attractive because I will build SEMs anyway to analyze personality variables for a different research question. SEM also considers measurement errors; I think those would go unnoticed in option 1. However, I am not sure if SEM and ML can handle this non-normal outcome with 50% missing data. Also, I am used to interpreting the effect of predictors in terms of R2 and ORs, would a similar quantification be available in a structural equation model?
Which option would you recommend to me and why?
To clarify: At T2 I just measured the outcome (dropout yes/no), none of the other variables. The amount of missing data is high because, contrary to T1, the participants were contacted via phone or email at home. In T1, everyone was gathered in a classroom setting and probably felt more committed. This was not possible to do at T2.