I am working with a dataset (electronic medical record extract) and trying to find out whether there is a difference in a continuous integer outcome (RxTotal, mean=7.4, range 2-34, skew=1.6, kurtosis=2.3) for a categorical predictor (Race4) after controlling for another continuous integer predictor (TotalRxLen - a complex variable to describe total days of pill supply made available over time, with overlapping/early prescriptions truncated).
So my model is as follows: RxTotal = Race4 + TotalRxLen
The purpose of this is to know whether or not non-white patients had to have more Rx visits (RxTotal) in order to reach the same total pill supply over time (TotalRxLen), as a way of demonstrating medical provider racial bias. I know that this model may sounds a little backwards because RxTotal is the outcome and TotalRxLen is the predictor. I think it is okay because the analysis is seeking to identify adjusted mathematical relationships and not to explore or say anything about causal order. I am only interested in Total Pill Supply (TotalRxLen) as a covariate, not at all as an outcome.
I already know that doctors provided significantly shorter prescriptions to Black and Hispanic patients, factoring in refills, compared to white non-Hispanic patients, and yet Black and Hispanic patients did not have a shorter Total Pill Supply, nor did they have a smaller RxTotal. By adjusting for Total Pill Supply I am trying to "sop up" some of the variation. I am wondering what modeling procedure to use. I ran this Shapiro Wilk test:
proc univariate data=totaldays2 normal;
where rxtotal >1;
var RxTotal;
Shapiro Wilk p <.001 so I reject the normality assumption. I believe that this means I cannot use this PROC GLM?:
proc glm data=totaldays2 ;
where rxtotal >1;
class race4;
model RxTotal = TotalRxLen race4 / solution ;
I have been researching this online and am having a hard time identifying what procedure and model type to use. Can anyone provide any guidance on what procedure and model type to use, and/or what further assumption testing I need to perform? Or whether I in fact perhaps actually can use the PROC GLM procedure I included?
Thank you!