Say we have a linear regression model $$ y_i = x_i^T\beta + \sigma\varepsilon_i $$ for $i = 1, \dots, n$, and $\varepsilon_i$ is distributed according to a Laplace distribution $\mathcal{L}(0, 1)$ with density $f(\varepsilon) = 2^{-1}e^{-|\varepsilon|}$, then what are the MLE estimators for $\beta$ and $\sigma^2$?
So far for the $\beta_{MLE}$, I have gotten down to $\beta_{MLE} = \underset{\beta}{\operatorname{argmin}} \sum_i |y_i - x_i^T\beta|$ but now I do not know how to solve it. I attempted to differentiate wrt $\beta$ and then set that to 0, where I got $\sum_i -x_i\operatorname{sign}{(y_i-x_i^T\beta)} = 0$. I do not know how to proceed from here to find $\beta_{MLE}$.
For the $\sigma^2_{MLE}$, I have reduced it down to $\sigma^2_{MLE} = \underset{\sigma^2}{\operatorname{argmin}} \sum_i \sigma^{-1}|y_i-x_i^T\beta|$. I attempted to differentiate wrt $\sigma$ and then set that to 0, where I got $-\sigma^{-2}\sum_i |y_i-x_i^T\beta| = 0$. I do not know how to proceed from here to find $\sigma^2_{MLE}$.
Guidance would be much appreciated!