I am less experienced with NB regression, but can offer my insight if others don't chime in. To your questions:
I am testing the number of days people go running in a week (dependent variable) against a selection of controls. Firstly, am I correct in assuming this is a count dependent variable?
Yes this is by definition a count, and would be suitable for NB regression.
Secondly, given the mean for the DV is 2.45 and the standard deviation is 2.3 I assume that this suggests there is over dispersion (given the variance (2.3 ^2) is greater than the mean).
This could theoretically be the case, but NB regression is anyway supposed to account for these issues, whereas more strict count models like Poisson regression don't consider this (or at least have unrealistic assumptions related to this).
You may appreciate Hilbe's text on NB regression, which discusses count models in general but obviously centers on NB. It is written for R/SAS users, but the text is regardless informative from a purely descriptive writing on the subject. Rolando also referenced the UCLA tutorial which has some nice discussion on the topic too.
As noted in the comments by @jbowman, I hadn't considered the potential right-censoring of the model here given one can only run 7 days a week. For that perhaps a right-truncated negative binomial regression would be more adequate, discussed in Chapter 12 of the above linked book. However the only way I know of fitting this is using the gamlss
package in R using the family = trun