I am modeling migration departure timing for swallows to try and figure out which of the predictor variables that I have data for influenced departure timing. All of the predictors are variables that I have reason to expect might affect departure timing: sex, wing chord (proxy for body size), mass (proxy for body condition), breeding latitude, and year (I have two years of data). I also have a random effect for tagging location, so the full model looks like this:
lmer(departureDate ~ sex + wingChord + mass + latitude + year + (1|tagSite))
I checked for correlation between my numeric predictors and the highest correlation was $r = 0.3$ between latitude and mass.
mass | wingChord | latitude | |
mass | 1.00000000 | 0.10356130 | 0.30809965 |
wingChord | 0.10356130 | 1.00000000 | 0.08280734 |
latitude | 0.30809965 | 0.08280734 | 1.00000000 |
The model summary for the full model shown above is this (with REML = TRUE
, I use REML = FALSE
for AICc model selection as described below; continuous predictors have been scaled):
AIC | BIC | logLik | deviance | df.resid |
4042.6 | 4077.2 | -2013.3 | 4026.6 | 549 |
Scaled residuals:
Min | 1Q | Median | 3Q | Max |
-2.5559 | -0.5642 | -0.0359 | 0.4780 | 6.0517 |
Random effects: | Groups | Name| Variance | Std.Dev | | --- | --- | --- | --- |--- |--- | | tagSite | (Intercept) | 14.32 | 3.784 | | Residual | 76.47 | 8.745 |
Number of obs: 557, groups: tagSite, 19
Fixed effects:
Estimate | Std.Error | df | t value | Pr(>abs(t)) | |
(Intercept) | 199.9260 | 1.2695 | 35.6941 | 157.485 | < 2e-16 *** |
latitude | 3.6840 | 1.0170 | 16.6520 | 3.622 | 0.002165 ** |
wingChord | -1.2529 | 0.4201 | 555.6471 | -2.982 | 0.002985 ** |
mass | 0.2959 | 0.4180 | 552.4835 | 0.708 | 0.479298 |
sexM | -1.3458 | 0.7851 | 549.1789 | -1.714 | 0.087046 |
year2023 | -3.7353 | 1.0155 | 475.3548 | -3.678 | 0.000262 *** |
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) | latitude | wingChord | mass | sexM | |
latitude | 0.157 | ||||
wingChord | -0.016 | -0.074 | |||
mass | 0.047 | -0.099 | -0.070 | ||
sexM | -0.263 | -0.036 | 0.016 | 0.170 | |
year2023 | -0.547 | -0.111 | 0.064 | -0.152 | 0.077 |
I am currently trying to use AICc model selection to come up with the most parsimonious model for departure timing. I am not using it to predict. I am just trying to understand what are the most important factors (from the ones that I have data for) that drive migratory departure timing. I have checked the residuals for the full model above and they look good, so the fit of the model itself does not seem to be an issue from what I can tell.
I've tried running the full set of possible models for all 32 combinations of my fixed effects (including a null model with just the random effect) and selecting the model with the lowest AIC. Ive also tried calculating the ratio of the estimate/SE (from the full model with REML = TRUE) and sequentially eliminating predictors in increasing order of this ratio (so, starting with the predictor with the lowest number) and stopping when the AIC starts to increase.
In both cases, I am left with the full model as having the lowest AICc. What I am confused about is why mass is left in the model when the $p$-value is so high. I understand (based on other posts on this issue and based on Sutherland et al. 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2023.1261) that AICc model selection will retain variables with a $p$-value $< 0.157$. However, the $p$-value for mass is $0.48$, so why is the AICc for the model with mass almost $6$ points lower than the model without mass? (AICc for the full model is $4042.861$, AICc for the model with only mass removed is $4048.136$).
I also understand that there are differing opinions on model selection and AIC. I am unsure if this is the final route I will go for this analysis, however I am concerned that the fact that the model selection process using AICc is keeping mass, despite it's high $p$-value, is indicative of a bigger issue with my data/analysis.
I am not able to post my raw data but I would be able to post other statistical test results or figures if required to answer this question.