I'm trying to determine to what extent the no-show rate of registered candidates to a (past) event is dependent on the weekday that the event was hosted on.
Given a number of past events that have taken place on a weekday (Monday til Friday) I have a matrix that is structured as follows:
- 5 columns: Monday, ..., Friday
- Each entry in a row represents the no-show rate of a past event that has taken place on that weekday
As an example:
df1 <- data.frame(Monday = runif(10,0,0.2),
Tuesday = runif(10,0.2,0.4),
Wednesday= runif(10,0.4,0.6),
Thursday = runif(10,0.6,0.8),
Friday = runif(10,0.8,1))
Given this information, I've been trying to understand what function in R would allow me to:
- Understand to what extent the day that the event is hosted on has a statistically significant effect on the no-show rate
- If there's a significant effect, how can I predict the no-show rate of a future event based on the weekday
So far I've been trying log-regressions with functions such as glm in R with little success, as my inputs are not 0 or 1, but rather % in between.
Any suggestions whether this is the right approach or what else I might try?