I am doing sequence analysis using Traminer and I have employment sequences from age 51 to age 75. However, because some participants enter the survey after age 51, some of the sequences start later (left missing values). I also have some right missing, and some internal missing gaps. I would like to treat internal missing gaps as an additional state, and left and right gaps as voids. However, if I set the option "DEL" for left missing values, the sequences get shifted to the left and the voids appear to the right. Do you have any advice on how to treat left missing gaps so that they are set as void without shifting the sequences? I am afraid shifting sequences would distort timing too much when using the indel costs.
Here is my code:
States_Wide.seq <- seqdef(
States_Wide, # Select data
var = 2:26, # Columns containing the sequences
alphabet = state_alphabet,
start=51, left="DEL", right="DEL", gaps="6", missing=NA, void="%",
xtstep = 4)