I have a panel dataset and my dependent variable is the logit-transformed share of farm workers on long-term contracts. I am particularly interested in the effects of two variables, pastoral focus in agriculture, represented by variable 'pastoral', and the presence of horses, represented by 'horse'. The impact of these variables changes over time, and I run a model with an interaction term:
model <- lm(logitshare ~ pastoral + pastoral:factor(year) + horse + horse:factor(year) +
other variables, data = mydata)
I need to compare the relative importance of variables and use two approaches, standardizing either before or after running a regression. The results are visibly different.
Column 'model' shows the case when regression was run on non-standardized coefficients, and standardization was done post-factum using lm.beta
. ModelST was run on coefficients transformed with the R's scale
function. Which approach is more reliable?