After much reading/googling, I reached the conclusion that the Kruskal-Wallis test (K-W) is a test of stochastic superiority (or, equivalently, of stochastic equivalence). Rejecting the null implies that at least 1 population is stochastically superior to at least another 1 (E.g. from Wikipedia, "A significant Kruskal–Wallis test indicates that at least one sample stochastically dominates one other sample".)
One interesting property of stochastic superiority is the fact that this is not a transitive property.
So, for fun (?), I created 4 samples from Efron's dice (non-transitive!). I replicated the values 6 times, for a sample size of 48 each. To avoid so many ties, I added to each a small amount of gaussian noise ($N(0,.1)$).This gave me the 4 samples below
I then ran a Kruskal-Wallis test on these 4 samples. The p-value was 0.974. Certainly not significant... I also ran the Dunn MCT, which said that there were no significant group differences (of course, given the p-value).
I then ran all 6 Mann-Whitney U tests. I used Sidak's MCC, which gave me an adjusted $\alpha'=0.0085$ for 6 comparisons (0.00833 for Bonferroni). Sample A was stochastically superior to B, which was superior to C, which was superior to D, which was superior to A (as we would expect from Efron's dice). The other 2 (A-C and B-D) showed no significance. For all the significant M-W U tests, the p-value was $0.005 < 0.0085$).
This leaves me with a non-significant K-W, even though there are 4 significant M-W U. Which do you believe? (I know I believe the M-W U tests, fwiw)
I know that, hand-wavingly speaking, the K-W test's statistic is akin to an F test, but on ranks. But by "blurring" the groups together, does it not lose the specific shape differences of the various samples, which made them stochastically different?
Does that mean that K-W is NOT a good omnibus test of stochastic superiority? Then what does it test?
Updated 4/23/2024
I ran a few more tests.
- First a K-W with just the first 2 samples (A & B). p=0.005 (Just like M-W U, as expected.
- Then a K-W with the first 3 samples (A, B & C). p=0.456 (?) So K-W told me that there was a difference between A & B (note: I do not specify what the difference is, on purpose: stochastic superiority, median, distribution, ???. But there was a difference between A & B). However, when I add a 3rd sample, this significant difference disappears?
- Thinking that maybe K-W loses power when more groups are added (??), I quadrupled the sample size to 192 per group. Re-ran K-W on these 4, and got p=0.828. The M-W U between A & B (e.g.) gave p=0.000000016
- Then, trying to see if the inability of K-W to find significance was because of the non-transitivity of stochastic superiority, I kept samples A & B at a size of 198, but dropped C&D (which contain non-transitive values) at 48. This new K-W test gave a p-value of 0.007. Finally!
What is happening with K-W? And why?
Updated 4/24/2024
After digging around a bit more, I came around this very informative paper "Kruskal–Wallis, Multiple Comparisons and Efron Dice", Bruce M. Brown and Thomas P. Hettmansperger which explains the situation very well.
The issue has to do with the non-transitive property of stochastic superiority. When there are such non-transitive situations (the authors call these "circularities", but to me that gives the wrong image, so I will stick with the cumbersome "non-transitivities"), the power of the K-W test diminishes, sometimes dramatically, like in the example of my question.
I doubt that "non-transitivities" need to be of the extreme "rock/paper/scissors" type as I used in the original question. I think they can be much more subtle, as in the example below: we have 3 samples A,B & C (5 samples each).[![K-W counter example][2]][2]
Because the sample size is (very) small, one can directly look at all the pair-wise comparisons. A "beats" B 23 out of 25 times, and B "beats" C 20 out of 25 times. One would expect A to beat C handily? But this occurs (only) 20 out of 25 times. A strict transitivity property has not been respected. The 2-sample K-W test (A,B) was significant (p=0.028), but the 3-sample K-W test (A,B,C) gives p=0.061.