Let's say I have 3 time series variables, $(X_t)$, $(Y_{t})$, $(Z_{t})$ and I estimate the following model with OLS estimator (I believe this form is called ARDL) :
$$X_{t} \quad = \quad \alpha_1 X_{t-1} \quad + \quad \alpha_2 Y_{t} \quad + \quad \alpha_3 Z_{t-1} \quad + \alpha_4Z_{t-2} \quad + \quad \varepsilon_t$$
where $\varepsilon_t$ is the error term. What properties should be verified for this regression to hold ?
Here is what I thought should be checked :
- $(X_t)$, $(Y_{t})$ and $(Z_{t})$ are stationary time series
- no multicolinearity between $(X_t)$, $(Y_{t})$ and $(Z_{t})$ i.e. correlations between variables are sufficiently weak.
- the error $\varepsilon_t$ is homoskedastic : $var(\varepsilon_t) = \sigma$ where $\sigma$ does not depend on $t$
- the error $\varepsilon_t$ has no autocorrelation : $cov(\varepsilon_t,\varepsilon_{t-k})=0 \quad \forall (t,k) \in \Bbb{N}^2 $
- the error $\varepsilon_t$ is centered : $\mathbb{E}(\varepsilon_t) = 0 $
- the error $\varepsilon_t$ is stationary (but is that not already implied by what's above ?)
- the error $\varepsilon_t$ is normaly distributed (optional)
- the AR(1) and AR(2) processes of $(X_t)$ and $(Z_t)$ have coefficients smaller than 1 in absolute value in order to be stationary :
- $ |\alpha_1| \in \left]0;1\right[ $
- $ |\alpha_3| \in \left]0;1\right[ $
- $ |\alpha_4| \in \left]0;1\right[ $
Is there something I missed ?
Thanks a lot !
What properties should be verified for this regression to hold ?
What do you mean that the regression will "hold"? Nothing stops you from sending the numbers through the regression machinery. Do you want certain properties for confidnce intervals or hypothesis tests? Do you want unbiased or consistent coefficient estimates? Do you want the estimator to have the minumum variance among unbiased linear estimators like you would get from the Gauss-Markov theorem? $\endgroup$