In OLS linear regression with an intercept, there are multiple equivalent expressions of $R^2$. Four come to mind.
- Squared Pearson correlation between the feature and the outcome
- Squared Pearson correlation between the outcome and the predictions
- Proportion of variance explained
- Comparison of the square loss incurred by the model to the square loss incurred by an intercept-only baseline model that always predicts the sample mean, $\bar y$, that is: $
y_i-\hat y_i
\right)^2}^{\text{Square loss of your model}}
y_i-\bar y
\right)^2}_{\text{Square loss of the baseline model}}
In this setting, each of these will give the same answer, which will be in the closed interval $[0, 1]$.
If you fit an intercept-free model in R
software, it will use a calculation aligned with the philosophy of the four calculation...sort of. The calculation will compare to an intercept-free model instead of an intercept-only model, meaning that the baseline predictions are $0$, no matter the feature values. That is, R
will use the following calculation.
y_i-\hat y_i
y_i - 0
y_i-\hat y_i
I think this gives a plan to calculate an $R^2$-style calculation for your work. Instead of calculating with the $\hat y_i$ given by the OLS-estimated parameters $\hat\beta$, you calculate the $\hat y_i$ according to the equation with your parameters, $\hat\gamma$.
\hat\gamma_1 x_{i,1} + \hat\gamma_2 x_{i,2} + \dots + \hat\gamma_p x_{i,p}
}\right)\in\left(-\infty, 1\right]
Depending on what you want the calculation to tell you, you might want to include the $\bar y$ in the denominator.
\hat\gamma_1 x_{i,1} + \hat\gamma_2 x_{i,2} + \dots + \hat\gamma_p x_{i,p}
\overset{N}{\underset{i=1}{\sum}}\left(y_i-\bar y\right)^2
}\right)\in\left(-\infty, 1\right]
Finally, you might just want to calculate the squared Pearson correlation between between the true values and the predictions coming from using your specified coefficients.
\hat\gamma_1 x_{i,1} + \hat\gamma_2 x_{i,2} + \dots + \hat\gamma_p x_{i,p}
\right]^2\in\left[0, 1\right]
Of the three, this makes the least sense to me, but it might be important for your work, such as a hard requirement to have the value in $[0, 1]$.
It is fine to generalize familiar notions. This is done all over the place in mathematics: I do that here, here, here, here, and here (all of which align with UCLA idea #2 and the Gneiting-Resin $R^*$ in their equation (32)), and I recall the Munkres Topology book giving a description of how the early days of topology required mathematicians to define exactly what they wanted their generalized notion of "open set" to mean. However, you have to have a sense of what you want your generalized notion of $R^2$ to mean if you want to generalize $R^2$ beyond the simple setting.
Gneiting, Tilmann, and Johannes Resin. "Regression diagnostics meets forecast evaluation: Conditional calibration, reliability diagrams, and coefficient of determination." Electronic Journal of Statistics 17.2 (2023): 3226-3286.