I have noticed that there is an interesting connection between two (apparently different) measures. I am under a market basket analysis framework (aka frequent itemset mining, both are common names) , where all the variables are hot-encoded. So our predicted variable Y and our predictor variable X are both dummy variables which represents the existance or non-existance of a product in a transaction.
The first measure 'lift' comes from apriori algorithm.
it is defined as $$ \frac{confidence(A \rightarrow B)}{support(B)} = \frac{P(B|A)}{P(B)}$$ which is basically $$ \frac{P(A \cap B)}{P(A)P(B)}$$
The second measure comes from a univariate logistic regression.
$$logit(Y) = a + bX + e_i$$
My doubt is in the logistic regression part. a is the intercept and b represents the difference in log odds.
Both measures are symmetric, when regressing Y on X or X on Y (or when using apriori) I still get the same lift and b. But they have different scales. How is this related? Is there a form I can translate from b values in a logistic regression to a lift equivalent?
Any hints or bibliography where I can find more information is highly appreciated.
Here I attach a small sample. These represent some rules extracted by the apriori algorithm. Column Antecedent represents the product A, Column Consequent represents product B. Lift and logistic_coefficients are our variables of interest in this case, and I am trying to figure out how are they related and if we can map from one to the other one.
(In case someone is interested, here's the link for other results)