The data I am using is collected within the physical fitness surveillance program in schools. In these schools, either no intervention, healthy lifestyle intervention, healthy schools network intervention or both interventions were employed. We divided the children by weight status into 3 groups, i.e., children with normal weight, overweight or obesity. Physical fitness tests that were included measured different components (e.g., broad jump, 600-m run, backwards obstacle course, etc.) every year at equally spaced time intervals (10 time points in total). Therefore, in my study, I considered if, over time (10 equally spaced time points), there are possible between-group (i.e., no intervention, healthy lifestyle intervention, healthy schools network intervention, both interventions) differences in the changes of within-group (children with normal weight, overweight or obesity) variances. I am having trouble finding an appropriate approach since I am not only interested in the changes in means but also in variability over time. Specifically, the research question is aimed at answering if different interventions increase/decrease/have no effect on the disparities in physical fitness test score variability between groups of children separated by weight status (children with normal weight, overweight or obesity). I also have information on the school level, so I would like to account for that and represent this as a multilevel (3-level) model.
In my data, I have 475 155 observations across 264 642 individuals divided into two age groups (older and younger, equally divided). Across different time points there are this many observations: 0: 71033, 1: 85154, 2: 85984, 3: 87332, 4: 90888, 5: 96551, 6: 101337, 7: 106451, 8: 104671, 9: 80931. There are also 452 unique schools at level 3.
I have constructed a model (divided by sex) with all predictors of interest (time point is continuous with a range from 0-9; pheight is height percentile and is included to account for differences in maturation) in an MLM framework by using the nlme package in R:
full_modelboys <- lme(pr600 ~ 1 + (time_point + I(time_point^2))*weight_status*intervention + age_group + pheight,
random = ~ 1 + (time_point + I(time_point^2)) | school/unique_id,
data = df_boys,
na.action = na.omit,
method = "ML",
control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))
Thank you very much in advance, even for just reading the question to the end, because I think I could not complicate this more beautifully!