Receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curves display the balance between sensitivity and specificity: how good you are at detecting category $1$ (sensitivity) while not falsely identifying category $0$ as category $1$ (specificity). This way, we can have some faith in the predicted $1$s really being $1$s.
Precision-recall (PR) curves arguably improve on this by giving a direct measure of the skepticism by using precision, which is a function of specificity (among other aspects of classifier performance). While recall/sensitivity measures the probability of detecting a $1$ given that an observation is a $1$, precision is the positive predictive value (PPV): the probability that your claimed $1$ really does belong to category $1$. Additionally, $F_1$ and more general $F_{\beta}$ scores consider both precision and recall.
Negative predictive value (NPV, not to be confused with net present value in finance) is to sensitivity/recall as positive predictive value is to specificity in that NPV gives the probability that your claimed $0$ really does belong to category $0$. Like PPV, NPV measures the forward flow of information by conditioning on the known prediction to estimate an unknown probability. It seems like comparing the PPV vs NPV would be valuable: how credible will our claims of category $1$ be for a given level of credibility of a claim of category $0$. This might not always be what we want to know, but it certainly could be.
What work is there that explicitly deals with PPV-NPV space, either a PPV-NPV curve or a classifier metric that combines PPV and NPV similar to how $F_{\beta}$ combines PPV/precision and recall/sensitivity? Sure, we can, along with the prevalence, transform a ROC curve into a PPV-NPV curve, but that does not mean that common ROC curves explicitly use the PPV and NPV.
Ideal would be a paper like Fawcett's An introduction to ROC analysis but for PPV-NPV curves.
Fawcett, Tom. "An Introduction to ROC analysis." Pattern Recognition Letters 27.8 (2006): 861-874.